Health benefits of sugar
Different health organisations have different recommendations for the amount of sugar one should limit themselves per day.
But they all agree that there’s room for some sugar in a healthy diet. You don’t need to cut sugar out of your life completely. The American Heart Association says women should have less than six teaspoons (25 grams), and men should have less than nine teaspoons (36 grams) per day.
Sugar isn’t an evil poison that it’s sometimes made out to be. While most of us could stand to have less of it, it’s perfectly fine to have a little bit. Below are some benefits of adding sugar to your meal:
Skin health
Sugar’s glycolic acid can be very helpful in maintaining the health and look of the skin. Using it can help eliminate blemishes and restore the balance in the skin’s oils.
Less processed
Many people use high-fructose corn syrup as a means of sweetening their food, but that product is highly processed and can cause problems to their digestion. Sugars consist only from natural ingredients that can be processed easily by our metabolism.
Calorie content
Sugar has a high calorie content that will give the body the energy it lacks. However, all that energy is short lived and it can only give a short bust of increased productivity. Because sugar contains four calories per gram, but it lacks nutritious value (no dietary fibres), sugar is only an added ingredient in many meals.
Minerals and nutrients
Sugars in their structure have ingredients that are passed to them from their natural sources, sugarcanes or beet. Elements such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium will not be greatly present in the industrially refined sugar.
Sugar is created from natural resources without the use of pesticides and other harmful products in a way that does not pollute the environment. That is not the case with the production of the industrial artificial sweeteners.