Strive towards distinction
Bear in mind that the companions of hastiness are failure and regret. Avoid hastiness and always use prudent steps towards the pursuit of any activity in life.
Omission is when you have deep knowledge about something but you fail to use it as a tool in your efforts. Knowledge of something gives you a huge advantage over others, so concentrate on what you know best.
Arrogance is a dangerous trait. It manifests itself in diverse ways in the dispositions of people.
But the focus here is on when the individual behaves as if he knows more than what he actually knows or behaves as if he knows more than anyone around.
This is a clear path towards destruction. And, the reason for this is very simple cross-learning, which is the act of learning from others, is very imperative.
When the self thinks it knows more than anyone else, it creates barriers between it and others and will, therefore, not move beyond it to ask others for their inputs.
Negligence is another serious and dangerous trait.
Actions must be based on knowledge and facts. When one is negligent, laziness sets in and the person, therefore, does not check his facts before acting.
In general terms, submission connotes obedience and humility. And, this is positive.
However, submissiveness is being use here in a rather negative sense. In the performing arena where you have to act based on sound information and knowledge, there are some people who give in to any information they receive without checking its background.
That is what is meant by submissiveness here. The Quran has cautioned that any information they received must be thoroughly checked to ascertain its veracity.
“O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful”. Quran 49:6
That is a clear food for thought.
Lethargy carries with it the sickness of procrastination, which principally means postponement of actions that have to be done now and today to another time. The danger in this cancerous trait is that the actions may not eventually be taken at all.
Finally, greed is an obstacle in the way of excellence. One of the best practices relating to any business enterprise is to focus on one’s achievements, refine them and give them consistent survival.
Think of expansion only when you have the capacity to sustain it. But there are those who, out of greed and the quest for more, will venture into a business expansion when he does not possess the capacity to sustain it.
Undoubtedly, that is a recipe for failure. Avoid it.