Bishop Herman Old Boys support school

The 1998 Year Group of  the Bishop Herman Old Boys Union (BHOBU 98) has presented items worth GH¢3,500.00 to  the  college .


The items which included fibre nets, thin square metal mesh and wooden battens, are to be used for repair works on classroom windows which are in a deplorable state. 

The rehabilitation works  are  to give the classrooms a face-lift and create a conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning. 

The president of the group, Dela Benson Bani recounted how the school had helped in the grooming of many people, saying it was, therefore, necessary to give back  to their alma mater. 

He said the association earlier donated two air conditioners to be used in the staff common room. 

The Assistant Headmaster, Mr Courage Meteku, who received the items, thanked them for the support.

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