We are working on a cyber security law - Ursula meets the press (FULL ADDRESS)
The Minister of Communications, Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful has announced that government was working on a cyber security law.
Addressing the Meet the Press series in Accra on Thursday morning when the Communication Ministry took its turn, the Minister said the digitization efforts and the introduction of a number of e-services in Ghana have exposed the country and people to possible cyber attacks and vulnerabilities.
To help counter these potential threats certain deliberate measures have been instituted by the Ministry including the establishment of the National Cyber Security Centre to coordinate
She said in view of the escalating cyber-attacks targeting the financial sector, the Bank of Ghana working in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and the Association of Bankers launched a Cyber and Information Security Directive for the Financial Industry to support cyber risk management in the financial sector.
In addition to that, she said
These two international treaties are expected to enhance Ghana’s cooperation with other countries at the policy, technical and operational levels in dealing with cybercrime and
Adding, she said the ministry was currently reviewing the National Cyber Security Policy and Strategy for Cabinet’s consideration and adoption early next year.
“As indicated in the 2019 Budget, the government will set up a National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA) to oversee Ghana’s
She said in view
NITA is currently working with the World Bank to deploy a secured network across government institutions and this is expected to help improve the general
“…we have been busy and will continue working to help the public and private sector scale up the uptake of technology at all levels to help this country leapfrog development.
“The formalization of our economy is going on apace through the use of technology and we will continue to utilize it to help with revenue generation, collection
The Minister said there is an indelible link between ICT and economic development and President, Nana Akufo-Addo,
Below is a copy of her full address
Mr. Chairman, the Hon. Minister for Information
Hon. Deputy Ministers
Heads of Department and Agencies
Chief Directors And Directors and staff of the MoC and MOI,
The Media here present
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Its been a very long year and it is my pleasant duty to present the performance of the Ministry of Communications through you, to the good people of Ghana this morning.
The Ministry of Communications (MoC) is focused on utilizing Telecom/ICTs to improve the efficiency of service delivery with particular attention to rural and underserved communities, digital and financial inclusion, gender parity and opportunities for the youth through the nurturing of new businesses, improving efficiencies of existing businesses, creation of job opportunities, facilitation of ICT-based entrepreneurship and securing our
The Ministry
Our modest achievements have not gone unnoticed and in the field of
As the UN E-Government Survey 2018 clearly demonstrated, Ghana is the only African Country which transitioned from a medium to high E Governance Development Index (EGDI) out of 17 since 2016.
There are only 6 African countries in the High EGDI group. We achieved this feat in 2017-2018 by streamlining our institutional and policy framework to capitalize on ICT innovations and invested in improving online service delivery.
Our ICT strategy focuses on increased use of ICT across economic sectors, e-government, implementing the national electronic security system and many other ICT related projects for public benefit. Various projects implemented by the Nationals Information technology Agency (NITA), the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) and the National Communications Authority(NCA) among others, are encouraging increased use of ICTs and creating an enabling environment for further
1. Policy and Regulation
2. ICT Infrastructure Development
3. Universal Access Initiatives
4. ICT Capacity Building
5. Postal and Courier Services Management/ Ghana Posts
6. Meteorological Services Management
7. Data Management
8. e-Governance
9. Cyber Security Awareness and Preparedness
10. Accra Digital Centre
The Ministry of Communications will continue to implement policies and through its agencies provide adequate regulatory oversight over service providers within the sector to ensure that expectations of stakeholders are met within the confines of the law. These expectations include revenue assurance and customer satisfaction. Initiatives
1. Common Monitoring Platform
Mr. Chairman, Ladies
a) “Establish a monitoring mechanism to verify the actual revenue that
b) Be given Physical access to the physical network nodes of the vendors' network at an equivalent point in the network where the network providers' billing systems are connected, and
c) Ensure that a common platform is used for the purpose of monitoring revenues under the Act as well as revenues accruing from levies under the Electronic Communications Act 2009, (Act 775).”
As we speak, Mr. Chairman, all concerns raised by stakeholders have been addressed and all the MNOs have connected to the platform. The CMP provides the following services:
Traffic Monitoring, Revenue Assurance, Fraud Management
The CMP provides real-time accurate and independent monitoring of all voice traffic volumes and ensures the comprehensive billing verification and collection of all telecom-related taxes, levies and regulatory fees
It monitors the amount of revenue generated by Service Providers across various revenue streams (Data, Voice, Value Added Services, mobile money, wholesale services etc.) for the purpose of computing the CST, VAT,
The system offers the technological means to detect, localize and eliminate fraudulent and unlicensed operators through the appropriate tracking of international inbound traffic. This will help reduce operations of SIM box operators as MNOs block SIM cards used for such fraudulent operations.
5000 daily calls are generated from about 57 countries to monitor how they are terminated in Ghana. When these international calls are terminated as local calls, it confirms the fraudulent use of SIM boxes to bypass the
The numbers used to perpetrate SIM box fraud are sent to operators to block and to provide data to facilitate the geographical location (geolocation) and elimination of these SIM boxes.
We must emphasize that only the signaling information and data required by the NCA and GRA for their regulatory and compliance functions are received by the CMP. No customer voice or data communication is received by it.
2. NCA Telecommunications Industry Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
As part of measures to further strengthen regulatory operations of the NCA, an industry CERT has been established for the telecommunications ecosystem in view of the increased use of networks for provision of services to ensure the security and safety of networks and further lead to the creation of jobs as more Human Resources will be required to operate them.
The NCA is currently in consultations with service providers on the need to have organizational CERTs to ensure the safety and security of their networks and protect subscriber information and transactions. This is part of measures being taken to promote cybersecurity.
3. Establishment of Bank of Ghana (BoG) Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
In view of the risks associated with Ghana’s current digitalization, the Ministry collaborated with the Bank of Ghana to establish a Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) to facilitate cybersecurity incident monitoring, response and cyber threat information sharing among players in the financial sector and with the National Cyber Security Centre
4. Auction of 800MHz Spectrum to propel broadband growth
Mr. Chairman, the Ministry, through the NCA has commenced the auction process for three (3) blocs of spectrum (each
5. Type Approval and Conformance Laboratories
Mr. Chairman, Ladies
The National Communications Authority (NCA) has established 4 Type Approval Labs for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), Electromagnetic Field (EMF), Radio Frequency (RF) and
The SAR Lab is a state-of-the-art testing laboratory provides in-country market surveillance and testing of ICT/Telecommunication equipment (i.e. mobile phones, laptops, tablets etc) imported, distributed and used in the country to ensure the required safe limits for human use are met.
The EMF Lab measures electromagnetic field levels of Mobile Base Stations, FM and TV transmitters, as well as devices and installations operating in the 100-600 MHz band to avoid public and occupational exposure.
The Radio Frequency (RF) and Signalling Lab
The DTT test lab carries out tests on TV broadcasting receivers such as integrated TVs and Set Top Boxes for conformance with Ghana’s Standards.
6. FM Broadcasting Audit
As part of measures to streamline the efficient use of the national spectrum resource and ensure value for the use of the spectrum, the NCA conducted an FM audit and sanctioned stations which did not meet KPIs and regulatory conditions. This has improved compliance among all
Mr. Chairman, without a robust IT infrastructure in place, none of the planned initiatives will succeed. We are committed to providing the infrastructure to support
1. National Digital Terrestrial Television Project
Government is implementing the
This capacity has been fully exhausted by existing
There are pending applications for digital terrestrial television broadcasting authorizations, existing regions
Adequate capacity also has to be provided to accommodate broadcasters who have secured premium content rights (i.e. pay-per-view events) and want to transmit through the platform.
International broadcast companies (i.e. France24, CNN, etc) have also expressed interest in localizing their content on the DTT platform when capacity is available.
In recognition of these challenges, an audit of the DTT infrastructure was conducted and an expansion of the infrastructure to include disaster recovery sites and additional sixty (60) channels with a mix of High Definition and Standard Definition Channels was recommended.
The Ministry has completed the provision of dedicated power to thirty-seven (37) DTT transmission sites in eight (8) regions namely, Eastern, Central, Western, Volta, Northern, Brong Ahafo, Upper East and Upper West.
A team of NEDCO Engineers and the Supplier, KNET Ltd, are currently provisioning the dedicated
The Ministry is in the process of finalizing the DTT Policy and has received written comments on the draft DTT Policy by all key stakeholders. These comments are being reviewed to be incorporated into
2. Development of Regulations for NITA
Though the National Information Technology Agency Act (771) and the Electronic Transactions Act (Act 772) were passed in 2008, regulations guiding their operations do not exist. NITA is currently conducting a legal and regulatory gap analysis to develop regulations to give effect to Acts 771 and 772, taking into account current developments in the ICT space.
3. Establishment of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
The Ministry has deployed a highly secure, scalable, open source enterprise Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to provide trusted cryptographic keys (certificates) to secure communications, SSL Document and Code signing, etc. The PKI system will provide the foundation to support future security initiatives like smartcard-based authentication, network access control technologies, and device-based authentication for all e-Governance initiatives and electronic transactions. It is currently being installed.
4. National Government Cloud Infrastructure (G-CLOUD)
The MOC is developing a Government Cloud Infrastructure to support both the Public and Private sector with cloud services i.e computing services available via traditional internet connectivity. We intend to coordinate the acquisition of IT goods and services by various Government agencies and remove duplication of effort and waste of scarce resources in the procurement of IT infrastructure and services.
5. Emergency Upgrade Of E-Government Infrastructure
NITA through the assistance of the World Bank is upgrading the e-government infrastructure to support the growth of the digital economy. Upon completion, traffic from all MDAS will be
Mr. Chairman, residents
Due to their geographic location and sparse population distribution, MNOs do not consider them commercially viable and these areas are deemed unprofitable by MNOs become unserved or underserved. This creates a digital divide between the urban and rural
To bridge this gap, the Ministry, through the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC)
- Digital for inclusion (D4I) – Smart Community
The “Smart Community Project” is designed to provide affordable/free WIFI internet services to unserved and underserved communities across the country.
The Smart Community will be a base/access point for providing all other broadband services to those communities including but not limited to Digital for Inclusion (D4I),
GIFEC in partnership with ZEEPAY (a FinTech Company) has established 90 transaction kiosks in Western, Brong-Ahafo and Eastern Regions to deliver a payment and cash transfer platform which is interoperable on all mobile networks. Other services provided include international remittances, cellular airtime top up and bill payments.
- Rural Telephony Project
The Telephony Project seeks to extend the coverage of mobile telephone services as far as possible into all areas of the country where access to such services are not adequately available, and where existing licensed operators have proven unwilling or unable to expand their networks, due to commercial or other constraints. The ultimate objective of this program is to achieve universal access to ICT throughout the country.
With the rapid growth of digital services such as e-commerce, e-education, Fintech, Mobile Money and e-transactions coupled with the introduction of various Government e-services, the RTP project seeks to narrow the digital gap in the country.
Mr. Chairman, 400 rural telephony sites have been constructed under this project this year to provide voice and data connectivity. This has provided coverage for 2,000 communities with a population of 900,000. We intend to scale this up to cover all unserved and underserved communities by 2020.
Satellite TV Project for 300 Villages
Mr. Chairman, the Government of Ghana received a grant from the Government of the People’s Republic of China to implement the 300 Village Satellite TV project and the Ministry, in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy in Ghana launched it on 26th September 2018.
The project provides each village with two (2) set of
These 900 public viewing stations will enjoy free digital TV broadcasts. Additionally, twenty (20) households will also be supplied with Set-Top Boxes (STBs) each as part of Governments universal access policy. These 6000 homes will have 6 months free viewing. StarTimes is the contractor providing these services.
Mr. Chairman, Ladies
A Coding for Kids initiative has been launched under GIFEC as part of the overall ICT Education and Awareness program to give opportunity to kids and youth to explore the world of technology through the creation of websites, computer games, interactive arts, mobile apps and animation stories, using programming languages like JavaScript, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) among others. As
- Cyber Laboratory Programme
This initiative aims at supporting full-service facilities,
GIFEC has also provided a computer laboratory and laptops with assistive technology for vision impaired undergraduate students of the University of Cape Coast.
It will be extended to other schools for the blind and Universities in the coming year to promote digital inclusion for Persons with Disability.
Mr. Chairman, the Ministry of Communications through the Ghana India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT and the Accra Digital Centre continues to facilitate knowledge acquisition by individuals and institutions in the field of ICT. The provision of appropriate digital skills t9o our youth is vital for the development of our digital economy. The following activities have been carried out by these agencies during the period under review:
1. Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning
The Centre, as part of the World Bank e-Education
To enhance their research capabilities, KACE has also equipped and retooled its Research laboratories in collaboration with C-DAC India and established the following;
- ISO Certified Software Development Facility
- ISO Certified Software Quality Assurance Facility and
- Embedded systems and VLSI laboratories.
2. Accra Digital Centre
The Ministry through the Accra Digital Centre embarked on outreach programmes targeted at disadvantaged youth in the Greater Accra Region and four hundred and seventy-six (476) youth were trained in Digital Marketing.
Additionally, one thousand (1000) digital and ancillary jobs have been created at the Accra Digital Centre for the youth and vulnerable persons from
From vacant structures not connected to electricity or the internet at the beginning of 2017, the ADC is now fully equipped and has allocated 100% of its space and achieved an 80% occupancy rate.
All blocks have been allocated and will be occupied by the end of 2018. 40 tech companies are currently hosted there including BPO and IT ES companies. We will expand into other regions.
3. Implementation of Mobile Application Lab (mLab) and Innovation Hub (iHub) projects
The Ministry of Communications, through funding from the World Bank, has provided a total of $2.6m to private sector Ghanaian entities involved in entrepreneurship and innovation to set up an Innovation Centre at the Accra Digital Centre, made up of
These projects are to nurture Tech Startups to promote digital entrepreneurship and create digital jobs for the youth and bottom of the pyramid people. The
4. 500 youth trained under the ADC’s Impact Sourcing Program
Five hundred disadvantaged youth in the Greater Accra Region have been trained in Call Centre skills, basic IT training, Microsoft office suite, BPO skills
5. Girls in ICT Celebration 2018
The Ministry commemorated this year’s Girls-in-ICT event in the Ashanti Region. Six hundred (600) girls from selected public basic schools in six districts of the region were selected for a fourteen (14)-day capacity building training in coding and programming as well as an ICT mentorship programme.
The mentorship programme motivated the girls to choose careers in Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics as they interacted with female mentors with ICT career background. Two female mentors were engaged for this year’s event.
Sixty-two (62) of the best girls in the Girls-in-ICT celebration took part in a 3 day “Open Day” Event hosted by the American Tower Company (ATC), the National Communications Authority (NCA), the National Information Technology Agency (NITA) and the Accra Digital Center (ADC).
The Open Day event gave the girls a practical appreciation of ICT in the workplace and hopefully, will reorient their minds towards exploring ICT career paths.
The girls gained a better understanding of the ICT/engineering operations of the organizations visited whilst being mentored by the female engineers who took them through their daily work schedule.
Mr. Chairman, ICT has taken up a lot of the core functions of postal and courier services that
In The Ministry of Communications in collaboration with Ghana Post launched the National Digital Property Addressing System (
To encourage and promote the generation of the digital addresses nationwide, Ghana Post through its field agents have engaged in a house to house generation of the digital addresses for free and tagging of properties for a fee upon request by the property owner. The fees are GHs 50.00 for home and GHs 100.00 for commercial properties.
Mr. Chairman, aviation meteorology (MET) is one of the most important data streams for air traffic management (ATM) services due to its impact on air safety and efficiency. For this governments vision to make Kotoka International Airport the Aviation Hub of the
To support government’s efforts, the Ministry of Communications through the Ghana Meteorological Service (
1. Establishment of Weather Forecast Production Studio
The Agency has established state-of-the-art weather forecast production studio to improve public weather delivery. The studio, which is fitted with modern studio equipment, is part of efforts to enhance transmission and dissemination of weather report to the general public.
2. Automatic Weather Stations (AWS).
Through the efforts of the Ministry, GMet has benefited from the world Bank e-transformation project and received financial support to procure and
Automatic weather stations
3. Installation Of
The Agency has procured a Message Switching System for data communication from the Meteorological stations across the country to the headquarters and data transmission internationally. The device also produces satellite images and exclusive model charts to enhance forecasting as well as improve the accuracy of
The Data Protection Act, 2012 mandates the Data Protection Commission, to protect the privacy of the individual and personal data by regulating the processing of personal information, to provide the process to obtain, hold, use or disclose personal information and for related matters.
The DPC has therefore created a regulatory framework that will ensure that the right and privacy of individuals are respected as a human right based on the following principles:
1. Accountability –
2. Lawfulness of processing – evidence of legitimate grounds, fairness
3. Compatibility of
4. Quality of information – ensuring that data held is continuously accurate and up-to-date
5. Openness - keeping Data Subjects fully informed about their personal data
6. Data Security Safeguards – appropriateness of technology and
7. Data Subject Participation – empowering Data Subjects to exercise the Rights
8. Purpose of collection - processing for clearly specified purposes.
DPC’s role in Ghana’s transformational agenda is critical. The Commission’s regulatory and enforcement powers underpin the national digitization and ICT development effort with an emphasis on regulating Technology, Processes
The Commission has relocated to new secure and accessible accommodation and scaled up its operations by building internal capacity with 5 fully trained Privacy Practitioners.
The software used by the commission in its work has been upgraded to enable
The Commission participated in five (5) awareness creation programmes at various institutions, developed a compliance template for Data Controllers who are due for renewal and invited key decision makers such as CEOs and Data Controllers to a meeting to increase awareness of their legal obligations and promote further engagement with the Commission. Several Data Controllers have been invited to nominate key staff to be trained for
In 2018, the DPC registered 1,264 data controllers and embarked on
A Youth Sensitization model has been designed to target the youth who are technologically savvy and a National Youth Awareness Campaign will be implemented in 2019 as part of the youth sensitization initiative.
Mr. Chairman, to provide more efficient delivery of government services, reduce corruption and enhance transparency, a number of e-services are being implemented under the e-Transform project funded by the World Bank, to increase efficiency, accountability
1. e-Immigration
The integrated e-Immigration system being deployed by the Ghana Immigration Service will facilitate
It provides full immigration control system including – biometric identification of citizens and visitors, border management, issuance of visas, residence and work permits.
eGates have been installed at the airport and have been launched. The system since its installation has processed 92,000 travelers (27,000 entries and 65,000 exits) in total. Average passenger processing time is 1minute, 45 seconds. It is currently being installed in T3. Operational Acceptance has been achieved and full Roll-Out of this Secured Border Management System will continue till May 2019.
2. e-Parliament
The project aims at supporting Parliament of Ghana to electronically conduct parliamentary processes that will allow a paperless flow of information within parliament.
Operational Acceptance is scheduled for January 2019. The System development has been completed and the e-Parliament module has been deployed in the cloud. Parliament technical staff have started trial testing of the cloud version prior to installation of the real version for Parliament.
3. e-Procurement
The e-Procurement system when fully implemented will help standardize government procurement processes, bring visibility and transparency into government procurement transactions, centralized the monitoring of procurement activities, eliminate physical storage of procurement documents as information will be stored digitally and ensure compliance with procurement laws, among others.
It is currently being rolled out in 6 MDAs ( VRA, Ghana Health Service, TMA, Dept of Feeder Roads, Koforisdua Technical University and COCOBOD) and is expected to go live in January 2019. It will be scaled up to cover 600 procurement entities by 2020.
4. e-Justice
The Ministry in collaboration with the Judicial Service is implementing the e-Justice integrated system to
The e-Justice system has brought efficiency in the justice delivery system and Lawyers, Judges and court officials’ access to case files and information is now faster than before to facilitate court processes.
The era of missing dockets and court processes is hopefully over. Judges and parties also have easy access to information which ensures fast delivery of judgment. Time spent on the filing of cases has reduced significantly.
It will be scaled up to cover all courts in all 10 regions. The electronic case management system has also reduced corruption and security of data is greatly enhanced as a result of the digitization of court records.
Other e-governance initiatives being implemented include the digitization of the Registrar Generals Department and GRA, provision of smart workplace document management and email system in MDAs, the digitization of the records of the Births and Deaths Registry among others
A full briefing on the E Transform project will be organized in the new year.
Mr. Chairman, our digitization efforts and the introduction of a number of e-services has exposed the country and people to possible
The MoC has established the National Cyber Security Centre to coordinate
In view of the escalating cyber-attacks targeting the financial sector, the Bank of Ghana working in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and the Association of Bankers launched a Cyber and Information Security Directive for the Financial Industry to support cyber risk management in the financial sector.
- The African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection (Malabo Convention) and
- The Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention).
These two international treaties are expected to enhance Ghana’s cooperation with other countries at the policy, technical and operational levels in dealing with cybercrime and
The assessment conducted by the World Bank and the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre of the Oxford University on Ghana’s
The MoC implemented a Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) programme dubbed “A Safer Digital Ghana” to educate the citizenry on the dangers associated with the use of technology and the need to take
Regional cybercrime sensitization workshops were organized for students of selected second cycle schools across the ten regions of the country and Ghana with the support of the World Bank, hosted about 50 delegates from West Africa to learn about Ghana’s
In addition, the NCSC, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, also organized workshops on cybercrime and electronic evidence for police prosecutors, State Attorneys, Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court Judges. Capacity building programmes will continue to feature in the Ministry’s efforts in addressing national
The MoC is currently reviewing the National Cyber Security Policy and Strategy for Cabinet’s consideration and adoption early next year. As indicated in the 2019 Budget, the government will set up a National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA) to oversee Ghana’s
NITA is currently working with the World Bank to deploy a secured network across government institutions and this is expected to help improve the general
Mr. Chairman, we have been busy and will continue working to help the public and private sector scale up the uptake of technology at all levels to help this country leapfrog development.
The formalization of our economy is going on apace through the use of technology and we will continue to utilize it to help with revenue generation, collection
There is an indelible link between ICT and economic development and our President, Nana Akufo-Addo,
This governments digitization agenda is driven by the need to quickly modernize our processes, technology and right skill our people to drive economic growth.
The National ID project, digital property address system, paperless port operations, mobile money interoperability
Our efforts have been recognized and Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful has been invited to co-chair the EU-AU Digital Economy Task Force with Mr. Pierre Guislan, Vice President of the African Development Bank. It will be launched next week.
Mr. Chairman, Ladies