Referendum: 99.52 per cent supports creation of Western North region
The proposal to create a Western North region out of the Western Region, has received a massive endorsement with 99.52 per cent of the people in the area voting YES in the referendum in support of the proposal.
A total of 951 votes were rejected. Total valid votes were 389,177.
This brought the total votes cast to 390,128 representing 65 per cent turn out.
There are nine districts in the Western North area.
In Aowin District, out of 75,687 registered voters, 66,187 voted YES, 191 voted NO.
With a voter population of 23,857 in the Suaman District, a total of 20,860 voted YES while 22 voted NO.
At the Bibiani-Anhwiaso-Bekwai District, out of the voter population of 83,730, 59,421 voted YES and 125 voted NO.
Sefwi Wiawso with a total of 80,716 registered voters, saw 63,340 voting YES as against 123 No votes.
Sefwi Akontombra with 42,352 registered voters saw 27,982 voting YES with 115 NO votes.
Out of the 55,588 voters in Juaboso, 46,212 voted YES with 137 NO votes.
At Bodi, out of 39,024 registered voters, 32,760 voted YES as against 70 NO votes.
Bia West with 69,738 voter population, saw 47,076 voting YES and 88 voting NO.
In Bia East with 30,614 voter population, a total of 24,349 voted YES for the creation while 71 voted NO.