Sparkling the world of music with DeSpark
The idiomatic expression, ‘Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’, aptly defines the life and story of up and coming gospel singer, Senyo Demanya, known by the stage name, DeSpark.
As a son of veteran actors Adjoa Pee and Kojo Demanya, DeSpark had a feel of the entertainment world at an early age.
Of course, he was privileged when his mother took him on sets, igniting an interest to be an actor when he grows up, when he featured in a Ghana Telecom advert with his parents in his younger years.
But perhaps fate had a different purpose for Despark. As the years went by, the passion for acting dwindled and he found his interest in music. Not just any music but what he describes as “positive music to save the youth from destruction”.
Since starting off his music journey, he continues to enjoy the immense support and backing of his parents.
The Daily Graphic caught up with DeSpark, who is an old student of Mfantsipim, to know more about his music and influence of his parents the new path he has chosen.
“I remember always being asked the popular question as a child; “what do you want to be when you grow up?” My answer was always simple, ‘I want to be an actor’. Then whoever asked will follow up with the question; ‘Do you want to be like mummy and daddy?’
“I love my parents so much that I wanted to walk their path. I would follow my mother anytime she went on set to shoot. And she continued to feed this passion by carrying me along like her handbag. I met some of the best in the movie industry. I got my first shot and was featured in a Ghana Telecom advert along with both parents.
“While still harbouring the interest for acting and to pursue it full time in future, music came on the scene years after I realised I could write and sing quite well.
“There’s so much I want to achieve when it comes to music. But the one that currently outweighs them all is positive influence. I want to be known as the guy who doesn’t only put out music but tells a deep and relatable story that influences and encourages positive behaviour, especially among the youth.
“There are so many vices getting the attention of the youth and as a member of this generation, I keep asking myself, ‘what can I do to help?’ and I know music is an essential tool that can drive this agenda of changing people’s lives and bringing them to the knowledge of Christ,” he stated.
DeSpark describes himself as a rapper and singer who expresses his faith in God through Hip-Hop, RnB and Soul music.
His music journey started in 2013 when he discovered his passion for music during his senior high school days at Mfantsipim School, Cape Coast.
At the time, he took advantage of streaming platforms like reverbnation and soundcloud to draw considerable attention to his craft.
He released his maiden Extended Play (EP), “Behind Bars” on Apple Music and Spotify in 2017.
The artiste who is currently promoting his new song, “Attractive” is also credited with songs such as “Favoured”, “Who Am I?”, “Belong” and “Close”.
DeSpark leads a team of seasoned rappers and poets called “Three 7” and he concedes that his goal is to groom talents who are looking for opportunities to grow in their abilities.
“Above all, I wish to be the spark in the Gospel industry, by providing listeners with new and relatable content,” he told the Daily Graphic.
Ghana’s creative industry is believed not to be financially rewarding and with a negative narrative that it is a field for non-serious people.
This misconception has encouraged many parents to stop their children from exploring their creative abilities.
However, the story was different for DeSpark. He had the full support of his parents, with his dad even coining ‘DeSpark” as his showbiz name.
He mentioned that the only caveat at the time was to complete his university education and find a stable job.
Hear him on this, “My parents believe I have something to offer the world. My father wanted me to focus on getting a degree and a stable job and this is one of the reasons why I never got into the spotlight until now.
“My name DeSpark actually came from my dad somewhere in 2015 when I played a few songs for him to listen. He also counsels me on the path I have chosen even to this day. My mother paid for my first demo in 2012 and she always makes noise about her son being the next big thing.
“It’s almost as if she’s on social media because of me. Both parents never stood in my way. They always wish me the best,” he said.
With all the passion burning inside of him, the graduate of Central University acknowledges the challenges that will come along the way but he believes “Nothing can beat a determined mind”.
With this as a mantra, DeSpark has set out on a journey to sparkle his world through positive music.