European Year for Development 2015: The EU is the world's largest international development donor

European Year for Development 2015: The EU is the world's largest international development donor

The European Union, which comprises 28 Member States, is the world's largest development aid donor.The EU provides over half of global official development assistance (ODA).


In 2014, the EU provided EUR 58.2 billion, an increase of 2.4% from 2013. What are the drivers of this huge EU development aid effort, and how does it shape EU-Ghana relations?

The EU designated 2015 as the European Year for Development (#EYD2015) precisely to shed light on the nature and results of EU cooperation with third countries. Mr Neven Mimica, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, recently commented: "I am proud that the EU has upheld its place as the world's largest provider of ODA in recent years, despite the difficult economic situation".  Between 2004 and 2012 EU assistance allowed more than 70 million people to access drinking water; and in 2014 alone it allowed an estimated 13.7 million additional children to attend primary school.

If European countries continue to maintain a strong commitment to supporting developing countries, it is due to our conviction that development cooperation is an effective tool to promote peace, stability and sustainable and equitable growth. 

Development is also about sharing a common agenda for a better world. With an increasingly globalised environment, it is in the interests of European and Ghanaian citizens that our countries work together to tackle shared challenges, such as climate change, migration, epidemics like Ebola or terrorism. This year is particularly crucial because the Millennium Development Goals that we agreed on in 2000 are coming to an end. Discussions are now underway to agree on a new post-2015 framework of Sustainable Development Goals. We expect an agreement to be adopted at the United Nations in New York on 25-27 September 2015. 

Ghana is a key partner to Europe. It plays a prominent role in promoting regional cooperation and integration in West Africa. Ghana and Europe share values, such as democratic governance and religious tolerance. We commend Ghana for the leadership and support it has provided to neighbouring ECOWAS countries to conduct peaceful election processes, ensuring a smooth, democratic transition of power.

For many years relations between the EU and Ghana have been characterised by close, fruitful cooperation.  The priority for 2015 is to build on our strong partnership to promote prosperity, good governance and sustainable and inclusive growth, and also to focus on complementary areas of mutual strategic interest. Europe Week (#EUWeekGh) gives an opportunity to learn more about EU-Ghana Cooperation and to begin a new chapter in our bilateral relations. 


William Hanna

Ambassador to the European Union in Ghana


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