What I would do if I had GH¢10,000

What I would do if I had GH¢10,000

The journey of discovering one’s purpose is a profound and transformative experience that can lead to a life filled with meaning and fulfilment. Deep down the heart of every man is the question, “Who am I? and what am I on earth for”.  


For many, however, the road to uncovering that purpose is fraught with uncertainty, frustration and even depression.

I have witnessed firsthand the debilitating effects that a lack of direction and purpose can have on individuals. It is this observation that ignited my passion for helping others discover their purpose, a mission that I now pursue with unwavering dedication.

Growing up, I encountered numerous people who were struggling to find their place in the world. Friends, family members and even strangers seemed lost, unsure of what direction their lives should take.

Their struggles resonated deeply with me, particularly because I saw the toll it took on their mental and emotional well-being.


The feeling of being stuck in a life that lacks meaning can lead to depression, anxiety and a sense of hopelessness. I realised that these individuals weren’t lacking in talent or potential; they were simply lacking in purpose.

It was through these observations that my passion for guiding others toward self-discovery began to take shape. I knew that if people could connect with their true purpose, they would find the motivation and clarity needed to lead fulfilling lives.

This realisation inspired me to start organising seminars and coaching sessions focused on helping individuals identify their passions, strengths and values.


With GH¢10,000 at my disposal, I would channel these funds into expanding my efforts to reach more people. The seminars would feature experienced speakers and life coaches who have walked the path of self-discovery and are eager to share their insights with others.

These events would serve as a safe space for participants to explore their inner selves and uncover what truly drives them.

In addition to the seminars, I would offer personalised coaching sessions tailored to the unique needs of each individual.

My ultimate goal is to create a ripple effect of positive change. By helping individuals discover their purpose, I hope to empower them to lead lives filled with passion and fulfilment. In turn, these individuals can inspire others, creating a community of purpose-driven people who contribute to the betterment of society.

This passion for helping others is not just a fleeting interest; it is a calling that I am committed to pursuing for the rest of my life. I believe that everyone has a unique purpose, and by guiding others to find theirs, I can help them unlock their full potential and lead lives of joy, success and meaning.

University of Ghana,
Biomedical Engineering Department. 
E-mail: zahnyatefe@gmail.com 

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