Kenya Election: Electoral constituency officer declared missing after receiving a phone call
Kenya Election: Electoral constituency officer declared missing after receiving a phone call

Kenya Election: Electoral constituency officer declared missing after receiving a phone call

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) of Kenya on Friday said the Returning Officer for Embakasi East went missing after stepping out of the Constituency Tallying Centre to make a phone call from an unknown individual at about 9.00 pm on Thursday.

The head of the IEBC  Wafula Chebukati said Daniel Musyoka had been picked up by his bodyguard in the morning and reported to work at the East African School of Aviation but later went missing after stepping out to pick up the call


Daniel Musyoka had been picked up by his bodyguard in the morning and reported to work at the East African School of Aviation but later went missing after stepping out to pick up the call.

According to a statement, Musyoka was out to make a phone call from an unknown individual at about 9 pm on Thursday.
Chebukati said Musyoka had been picked up by his bodyguard in the morning and reported to work at the East African School of Aviation but later went missing after stepping out to pick up the call.

“Reports received by the commission indicate that at around 9 am on Thursday, he was escorted from his home to the tallying centre by his bodyguard. At around 9.45 am, he excused himself to make a telephone call but did not return.

“The Deputy Returning Officer is now handling his (Musyoka’s) duties.

“The Commission is deeply concerned about this unfortunate incident and calls upon the relevant agencies to speedily investigate this matter.”
Kenyans on 9 August went to the polls to elect their preferred candidates into six positions; namely president, governors, senators, county women, members of the National Assembly, and members of county assemblies.

IEBC is currently undertaking the verification of presidential results from the over 40,000 polling stations across the country alongside agents of the four presidential candidates.

IEBC indicated that it was almost halfway through the process with 290 Form 34Bs already submitted at the national tallying centre.

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