Auntie Betty: Sweat makes me uncomfortable
Dear Auntie Betty, I am in junior high school Form Two.
I sweat a lot and find it difficult lifting my arms, especially when I am with people.
What can I do to stop the sweat which makes me uncomfortable? Please help.
Dear Amina, Health experts say “sweating is a bodily function that helps regulate your body temperature.
Also called perspiration, sweating is the release of a salt-based fluid from your sweat glands.
Changes in your body temperature, the outside temperature or your emotional state can cause sweating”.
They note that the volume of sweat you produce depends on a number of factors such as body size, age and health status.
There is a condition known as ‘hyperhidrosis’, which is excessive sweating that may or may not have an underlying cause.
That is why you have to talk to your parents to take you to see a medical practitioner so that you can be given the appropriate treatment and advice.
In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to minimise the amount of sweat on your body.
You have to use antiperspirants during the day and before you go to bed. Apply the antiperspirant when your skin is dry and clean and not already sweaty.
Remember, antiperspirants are different from deodorants although some antiperspirants may contain deodorant. Deodorants do not prevent sweating but instead aim to mask the smell that is produced by bacteria when we sweat.
Lime is also helpful in controlling sweat. Cut it into two halves and rub it in your armpits. Leave for a few minutes before having your bath. It may irritate a little but with time that may reduce.
Wear light, breathable clothes. Lighter colours do not absorb heat, so wearing them can help keep you cool and reduce sweat.
There are certain foods that can also make you sweat, so avoid spicy foods and caffeine.
It is important that you observe good personal hygiene because you sweat a lot.
Bathe at least twice a day, shave your armpit and change your clothes as often as possible to prevent body odour.
It is, however, necessary to see a doctor to give you the best options for your body.
All the best. Page 6