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Anlos climax Hogbetsotso

The chiefs and people of the Anlo Traditional Area will climax this year’s Hogbetsotso festival at Anloga in the Volta Region on Saturday, November 2, 2013.


The festival, which will be held on the theme: “Harnessing the gains of our reconciliation, unity and peace to accelerate our development agenda,” will be used to enhance reconciliation among the people and also serve as an occasion to plan the development agenda for the area.

At the launch of the festival in Accra on Wednesday, Agbotadua Kumassah said the day would be used to remember ancestors who toiled and freed the people of Anlo from the tyranny and oppression of Togbui Agorkorli of Notsie in the Republic of Togo and moved out of the walled city to their present settlements in Ghana, Togo, Benin and Bodagry in South Western Nigeria.

Highlighting the activities to mark  the celebration, he said the celebration started some months ago with a clean –exercise and a ban on drumming and dancing, which was observed from August to October 15, 2013.

He said the festival would also be used to take stock of the year, review activities and plan for the ensuing year, adding  that on September 26, “we held the congress for the chiefs and people of Anlo at the Keta Senior High School.

According to  the Agbotadua, on October 25 and 26, 2013 the Awoamefia, Togbi Sri III, would sit in state to receive homage from chiefs, corporate bodies and distinguished personalities in the kingdom and elsewhere.

“There shall be Hogbe lectures for students on October 28, 2013 at the Anlo Senior High School at Anloga.

Reconciliation (Nugbidodo) rites would be performed at Anloga for the Awoamefia and his wing and divisional chiefs to be followed by a grand Hogbe dance and fundraising dinner at the Lorneh Hotel.

He said there would be an enactment of the Exodus of the Ewes (Dogboawo) on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 2 a.m.

Agbotadua Kumassah said there would be a grand durbar of chiefs and people of Anlo on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Hogbe Park at 9 a.m to be followed by a breast–screening exercise and crowning of Mama Hogbe.

By Timothy Gobah/Daily Graphic/Ghana

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