Ghana Armed Forces deny AWOL soldier has ISIS links 

Ghana Armed Forces deny AWOL soldier has ISIS links 

The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has denied media reports that the institution was investigating a soldier for links with the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).


GAF says in a press release issued Thursday that the soldier, “Private Bawa Abdul Rahman was scheduled to appear on an interview at the General Headquarters a few days ago in respect of a disciplinary matter which came up after a field exercise some months ago. He however absconded and remains Absent Without Leave (AWOL).

“His scheduled interview was not in relation to any possible links with ISIS but purely a disciplinary hearing,” it said. 

The release signed by Colonel E. Aggrey-Quashie, Director Public Relations at the GAF, said subsequent to Private Bawa Rahman absconding from the disciplinary hearing, a social media post went viral claiming the soldier absconded because he was being investigated for possible links with ISIS. 

“The Ghana Armed Forces wishes to further state that following the social media post, the outcome of background checks and fact finding could not establish any such links. GAF is however still investigating the source of the social media post from which the media picked up that information for publication.”

GAF urged media houses to desist from further publishing the claim because the social media post is not authentic and the information therein not correct. 

“Furthermore, GAF wishes to assure the media and the public of positive collaboration to enhance the security of the state in an atmosphere of circumspection and with due regard for public safety and security.”

ISIS, the extremist militant group claims to be a global Islamic caliphate.

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