COVID-19 victim shares experience
A COVID-19 positive patient has urged Ghanaians to take all the precautionary measures to avoid contracting the virus as it can happen anywhere.”
The victim, a health professional, who has gone through treatment and is waiting to be completely cleared of being positive, said :”I don’t know how it happened and where I picked it from. I just woke up one day and suspected that I had the symptoms.”
Sharing her experience with the Daily Graphic, the middle-aged physician said: “The four days that I had to wait for the outcome of my test was the most harrowing time I have had to endure. Even as a doctor, so many things flooded my thoughts and it is not an experience I would wish for anybody.”
The victim, who spoke on condition of anonymity and worried of stigmatisation, explained to the Daily Graphic how she might have contracted the virus.
“During that week, I went to a supermarket to get groceries and other items. Mindful of the safety precautions, I used my sanitiser but went by a few other places before going home. A few days later, I felt unwell and woke up in the morning with a headache and by the evening, I had begun sneezing persistently but without coughing, it was the clearest suspicion of a positive sign, so I just drove myself to the earmarked treatment centre to be tested,” she indicated.
According to her, she went through anxious moments waiting for the results of the test and her worst fears were confirmed when it turned out positive four days later.
She quickly arranged for the members of her household numbering four, to be tested also.
“Thankfully, they all tested negative. Even as a doctor and with all my professional knowledge, I was scared and it took some time before coming to terms with her situation.
“Once they all tested negative, I sent the children to my parents, and immediately arranged for the house to be disinfected to be sure it was safe, the medical doctor intimated.
She indicated that though her condition was mild and could have undergone self-isolation and home treatment, she opted for admission at a treatment centre, explaining that: ”It was better for my health as being at home alone could have worsened my psychological condition.
She expressed gratitude to the medical team that helped take care of her and was also grateful that her condition did not get worse.
The victim expressed concern about stigmatisation, saying a number of people who got to know she had tested positive avoided her ‘’even on phone.”
“People that would share posts with me on WhatsApp have hardly done so and a number of them have even avoided to answer my calls as if they would be infected if they did.
Being a victim of COVID-19 could be lonely and depressing so it is important to have all the support and encouragement instead of being shunned.
“Knowing that you have people you can rely on is part of the healing process, as being worried affects one’s immune system.”
Danger real
The doctor advised people not to take things for granted and must stay safe by observing the protocols at all times and at any place, with the recorded community spread.
“ With people moving around, it is possible to pick the virus, just going about your everyday life. Please avoid crowds, wash hands more frequently under running water and with soap, and wear an approved nose mask which could help minimise the risk of infection,” she advised.