Journalist arrested over sex blackmail

Journalist arrested over sex blackmail

The police in the Central Region have arrested a 47-year-old journalist, Emmanuel Orlando, for blackmailing some women for sex.


The suspect who works with Constant TV in Cape Coast is said to have lured his victims through social media and requested for their nude photographs.

After receiving their photographs, Orlando is said to have threatened his victims that he would publish their photographs if they refused him sex.

According to the Central Regional Crime Officer, Supt Baffour Apenteng, the suspect, whose modus operandi was to lure his victims through Facebook and WhatsApp, told them he was based overseas and through their chats requested for their nude photographs.

He said the suspect upon receiving the photographs threatened his victims that he would publish their photographs on social media platforms if they did not have sex with him.

“As soon as he gets them, he then faces up and threatens to publish them online if you don’t sleep with him,” Supt Baffour Apenteng said at a press briefing.

He said Orlando was arrested after two of his victims reported the matter to the police.

According to him, one of the victims succumbed to his wish and “he was able to have uncountable number of sex with the girl.” 

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