Osu Chiefs rain curses on ‘land thieves’
The high priest of Osu, Numo Gbelenfo, leads in libation

Osu Chiefs rain curses on ‘land thieves’

Some chiefs and fetish priests of Osu in Accra have invoked curses on persons they say are forcibly taking over their lands at Achimota.


They want their deities and ancestors to deal with those involved and alleged to be operating under ‘orders from above’.

Led by the traditional priest Numo Gbelenfo at an open display Friday of their anger against what they say has been going on for too long, they poured libation to invoke the gods to deal with everyone playing a part in what they say is plain thievery, and asked that the guilty should not be spared a moment of sleep nor peace. 

We ask you to chase anyone responsible for that act, chase them in the night, by day, whether he lays down, stands, at table, bathing, in bed with the wife, let them know that they have touched the untouchable, he prayed

But they also want President Mahama, being a father of the nation, to declare his stance in the matter since it is his warriors (soldiers and police) who are engaged in the act.


Video Credit: Zainab Issah

Below is a paraphrasing of the invocation of the curses on the perceived enemies of the people of Osu, which began with appellations and incantations to invoke the gods and deities of the land. 

We call you because all Osu properties have been stolen

Our ancestors who founded our state, today we are being cheated

Every government that is installed envies our properties 

Our land at Achimota, they have gone with soldiers and police to destroy all our properties over there 

They are taking our lands from us

We call on you who are all seeing and mightier than all others

We ask you to deal with anyone responsible for that act, chase them in the night, by day, whether he lays down, stands, while at table, bathing, in bed with the wife, let them know that they have touched the untouchable

All you our ancestors; chiefs, priests, kingmakers, we implore you, defend your property day and night  

Allow them no sleep, we call on you all

Numo Gbelenfo offered the following explanations for their action.

It is our tradition to consider our leaders as our fathers. As long as President Mahama remains the president, whether he knows of the unfolding events or not, he is our father.

At the moment soldiers in uniform bearing national arms and their bulldozers are there breaking down our properties, who else than the president can we complain to? It is because they (soldiers) are his warriors, and if they are not fighting in places like Somalia where we know there is warfare, but they are in Osu which has chiefs, and a traditional council that deals with the government, besides Osu has pursued several legal options, Osu being a land of literates, yet they cannot sit with us and ask us for part of what is ours but they choose to steal from us, or they kill the people of Osu or eject the people of Osu, they have taken over all our bungalows to build mansions, and shared for themselves, how many Osu indigenes are there. Our roofs are all a sad sight. You have the seat of government – the Flagstaff House in Osu, the Castle in Osu, what do they do for Osu, all of Ghana’s seats of government are in Osu, what benefit comes to the people of Osu from all that.

We hold the government responsible for what happened yesterday because we were told it was being done under “order from above”, and the only “order from above” we know is the government, which is John Mahama. So if John Mahama says he is innocent of it he should let us know, but if we are ignored, no one – whether NPP, ACPP, NDC – no one should come to Osu to campaign, we don’t want any campaign. If anyone comes around, stones will fly over here. We have no guns but we have stones and pepper. That is our case.


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