State Attorneys speak on Woyome's acquittal
Lawyers at the office of the Attorney General has expressed concern about verbal attacks on them in the wake of acquittal of businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome.
In a statement, they deplored comments which made them look like they were lazy and incompetent.
Below is a copy of the statement issued by the state attorneys on Friday.
The attention of Attorneys of the Attorney-General’s Department has been drawn to statements and personal insults directed at Attorneys by some journalists, media houses and some members of the public following the acquittal of Alfred Agbesi Woyome by Justice John Ajet-Nasam sitting at the High Court on 12th March 2015.
These comments include assertions that Attorneys are incompetent, lazy and have colluded with the accused and the court to acquit and discharge Mr. Woyome.
Attorneys take serious exception to these unwarranted and uninformed attacks by persons who have little or no knowledge about criminal procedure and the work of Attorneys.
Attorneys prosecute a wide range of cases on daily basis in the courts and most of these cases are successfully prosecuted.
These cases deal with the thousands of Ghanaian citizens who have been robbed, murdered, raped, defrauded, have properties stolen or suffered a myriad of crimes against their persons and property.
Attorneys secure conviction in over 90 per cent of these cases.
Attorneys have also successfully prosecuted several high profile cases over the years.
It must be noted, however, that it is impossible, as all lawyers know, for any lawyer or chambers to win all their cases all the time. This does not happen anywhere in the world.
Failure to win a case does not therefore make a lawyer incompetent neither does it mean that a lawyer is lazy or has colluded with the party on the other side.
Attorneys work hard under serious constraints due to gaps in our criminal justice system.
Procuring the attendance of witnesses in court, for instance, is a major challenge for Attorneys.
Attorneys over the years have had to financially cater for the cost of the attendance of witnesses from their own meagre resources since no provision has been made for the attendance of witnesses in court.
This is an example of the length to which Attorneys have to go to ensure that cases are prosecuted in court.
It is unfortunate that these sacrifices go unappreciated but rather insults and scorn are meted out to Attorneys when cases are lost.
No Attorney worth his salt will take a case to court knowing very well that he would lose the case.
Attorneys work diligently to gather the necessary materials and witnesses in order to prosecute their cases successfully.
Talk is cheap. For learned friends, who should know better, to engage in attacks, sometimes personal, against Attorneys when cases are lost is most unprofessional.
Some of these attacks are fuelled by wrong appreciation of the criminal law and process.
In many instances, attorneys have won cases against some of these lawyers.
We however appreciate learned friends who have discussed these issues constructively.
Judges, Attorneys and defence counsel are equal partners in the criminal justice system.
It is therefore regrettable for one party to incite public sentiments against the other party for whatever reasons.
The Attorney-General’s Office has very good and competent Attorneys who work their hearts out to serve the nation.
We are all at risk if the public loses confidence in Attorneys and in the criminal justice system.
Attorneys remain undaunted in our efforts to do what we think is right for society.
We would appreciate constructive and forward-looking criticism.
We, however, detest outright insults and lies against Attorneys.
We are determined to do our work without fear or favour; we only ask that the resources needed to perform our function are provided.