If the body needs alcohol, it will make it by itself. There is absolutely no need to be drinking alcohol
If the body needs alcohol, it will make it by itself. There is absolutely no need to be drinking alcohol

Sacrifice your pleasure for healthy diet (2)

Food colour is of no nutritional value but has very bad health implications. It is better to find natural means of making food colourful than the artificial means.


Use naturally coloured ingredients like kontonmire, carrots, tomatoes and the like for your meals if you need some colouring; you just need to be innovative about it.

You also need to be very patient and innovative when cooking without all the artificial spices and cubes. This will help make the taste of your food good and acceptable to the consumers. 

Food vendors should also have the health of their patrons in mind when doing mass production of their food. Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity thereby endangering people’s lives.

You can survive without alcohol

You can remain healthy without alcohol. If the body needs alcohol, it will make it by itself. There is absolutely no need to be drinking alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the more you would want to drink and the more you feel like you cannot survive without it; thus becoming dependent on it. So just do not start drinking. 

Alcohol affects almost all organs of the body badly, thus causing one disease or the other; starting from hair loss to very weak bones in the legs.

When it is time for festivals and celebrations, people may think it is impossible to go without alcohol. 

Easter for instance is a time for spiritual reflection on the sacrifice that Jesus made for the salvation of humankind. 

It should be marked with all the soberness that man can attain. So if you want to mark Easter by dinking loads of alcohol, you will probably be missing its significance.

If all drivers will stop drinking before they drive, there would be little or no accidents on our roads this Easter. 

The youth have taken to alcoholism due to indiscipline.  This has a bad telling on the future of the country. People who should either be in school or at a workshop learning a trade are happier on the street and at the roadside in the villages drinking pito and akpeteshie. 

Soon they start families without enough resources to cater for them. Alcoholism may soon destroy this country if nothing is done about it. The one to do something about this situation is you, make a move now.

When you maintain a bad diet

The world over, health experts are endorsing the massive contribution of bad eating to disease and death. We have the choice to make as a people. No one takes poison knowing its potential effects. 

Eating the wrong food, not exercising and drinking alcohol is like taking poison, but this one kills slowly, may be that is why people are not scared of it. When it finally strikes, life becomes miserable.

Make the effort to exercise

I want to challenge you to start doing some exercise this Easter. Start some walking and maintain it even after the holidays. You can do indoor exercises as well. You can get an exercise machine or an exercise video. Just sacrifice, sacrifice and sacrifice.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8). 

Stay blessed, healthy and well. God bless you.

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