Della Hayes pulls up young women musicians
Young ladies clutching notebooks and pens walked into the apartment at La Apapa in Accra on a bright Monday morning this week.
After attentively listening to singer and band leader, Della Hayes and saxophonist, Colonel Faat, explain some aspects of contemporary popular music while taking down notes all the time, the young women then got down to work on their keyboards, drums, guitars and other instruments.
It was the Women of Colour Band at rehearsal though the atmosphere resembled that of a school. The real deal is that the place is open to young women eager to learn to play instruments.
While studying under tutors such as keyboardist Bessa Simons, guitarist Cliff Asante and Colonel Faat, they become automatic members of Della Haye’s Women of Colour Band.
It had always been the dream of Della Hayes to see active women’s bands in this country. She formed one in 2009 and when the rest of the members left to start their own band last year, she put together a collection of young female players to keep her dream alive.
“The only way we can see more women’s bands in the system is by getting young and gifted ones trained. What I have now is like a music academy for just women so we can have a substantial supply of women instrumentalists in this country at all times.”
All the young women who turn up at Della Hayes’ place are required to learn to play more than one instrument. Abigail Teye, for instance, is a percussionist and electric bass player.
Akwele Amedormeh, who plays assorted percussion and the kit drumset, said though she picked up some basic skills in church, she had learnt a lot from the tutors and was hopeful of becoming one of the best drummers in this country.
“The young women are enthusiastic about what goes on here. They are eager to learn all they can about music and we get regular gigs which help firm up their confidence,” Della Hayes said.
“We have already performed in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire and there are more assignments lined up before the year ends,” Della Hayes said.She expressed gratitude to
the management of the Band for its firm support and purposeful direction.
Meanwhile, she is getting ready to launch a single she has recorded with Ivorian superstar, Meiway, next month. Produced by Bessa Simons, the song is rendered in English, French and Twi.