•Noise from such loud speakers pollutes the environment.

Crack the whip on noise pollution

Most of us are quite used to the sounds we hear in everyday life. Loud music, television, people talking on their phone, sounds from moving vehicles and even pets barking in the middle of the night.



All of these have become a part of the urban culture and rarely disturb us. There are other forms of sound that are fast becoming a normal trend in Ghana but a great source of noise pollution.

It has become fashionable to see vans blaring loud music or messages in the name of marketing products.

Other people also use loud speakers and recorded voices to market their wares at various markets without due regard to the noise pollution they cause.

Evangelists who preach with loud speakers at various markets and street corners are also major offenders when it comes to noise pollution in the city.  Such high noise levels create nuisance and sometimes give people headache and need to be regulated.

By definition, noise pollution takes place when there is either excessive amount of noise or an unpleasant sound that causes temporary disruption in the natural balance.

This definition is usually applicable to sounds or noises that are unnatural in either their volume or their production.

Even though our environment is such that it has become difficult to escape noise, the city of Accra is becoming too unbearable and the relevant state institutions such as the Accra Metropolitan Assembly must begin to crack the whip before it gets out of control.

Otherwise gradually we will all become hard at hearing from the deafening noise levels.

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