Divided nation cannot develop
We are so divided as a people that we are unable to agree on a National Development Plan.
After 67 years of independence from colonial rule, it is crucial for well- meaning Ghanaians to assess the present state of affairs in the country in sectors such as the environment, the economy, health and infrastructure?
In this article, I will identify the main reasons why there are very serious problems in all aspects of our national life and suggest an approach that would help us to overcome our difficulties.
In this sector it is important to note that as a result of galamsey activities, our rivers and water bodies have been dangerously polluted.
Doctors report of sicknesses such as kidney failure and the birth of deformed babies. The Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) is finding it very difficult to come by the resources to provide adequate potable water. Vast cocoa plantations have been cut down because of galamsey activities.
Economy, health, infrastructure
The nation's debt is so huge that it has defaulted in debt repayment. As a result, the country has been locked out of the foreign capital market.
There is also growing unemployment.
Hospitals do not have enough beds to admit patients, some of whom are dying of kidney failure as a result of inadequate dialysis machines.
Apart from the fact that there are not enough roads in the country, what we have are pothole ridden.
Many factors account for the problems the country is facing. The main factor is our failure to heed the caution that Our Lord Jesus Christ gave in Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:24 and Luke 11:17.
According to the Good News Bible, in Matthew 12: 25, Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said to them, any country that divides itself into groups which fight each other will not last very long. And any town or family that divides itself into groups which fight each other will fall apart.
The teachings of the Bible in Mark 3:24 makes us aware that if a country divides itself into groups which fight each other, that country will fall apart.
In Luke 11:17, Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said to them, any country that divides itself into groups which fight each other will not last very long. A family divided against itself falls apart.
We are so divided as a people that we are unable to agree on a National Development Plan. As a result, we waste huge sums of money as successive governments abandon development projects on which scarce foreign exchange has been spent, whenever there is a change of government.
This problem results in payment of huge judgement debts and also worsens the already bad unemployment situation in the country.
Money that could be used to buy more dialysis machines are rather spent on payment of judgement debts.
Way forward
In the first place, we should establish committees for the environment, the economy, health and infrastructure and invite knowledgeable and experienced individuals from various spheres and walks of life to serve on them.
Their mandate will be to come up with practical solutions to overcome our challenges in the various sectors of the economy.
Second, the 1992 Constitution has to be amended to ensure effective and maximum utilisation of the talents and skills of the citizens.
Finally, it must be clear to all of us that our experience over the past 67 years after attaining independence from the British colonial rule the “winner-takes-all’’ system of politics has not served us well.
We should, therefore, heed the caution given by Our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 12: 25, Mark 3: 24 and Luke 11:17 and come together as one people with a common destiny.
We should review the Constitution to bring about much improvement in the living conditions and welfare of Ghanaians.