This Canadian company will pay you up to $1,000 a month to smoke weed
If you feel like it’s high time for a career change, a Toronto-based company might be the place for you.
According to the company, CCC members will have the chance to sample some of Canada’s best cannabis strains and get paid to do it. They’ll also directly impact what’s included in AHLOT’s Cannabis Collections series, the first multi-licensed producer sample pack in the world.
For those who feel like this might be the best way to light up their career with legalization on the horizon in Canada, AHLOT has released a few guidelines for potential applicants.
“AHLOT relies upon the educated opinion of a select group of self-identified cannabis enthusiasts, to meet various strains from cultivators across the country and report upon their characteristics,” the company says.
In addition, CCC members may be
Participation in these types of activities
In total, a “typical” time commitment for this job will be “between 1 and 4 hours per week, not exceeding 16 hours per month.”
As compensation, “CCC members will be entitled to $50 per hour, to a maximum of 16 hours per month, in addition to an expense account of $200 per month.”
Cannabis is illegal in Ghana
Section (1) and (2) of the law states:
(1) Any person who imports or exports any narcotic drug without a licence issued by the Secretary for Health for that purpose commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than ten years.
(2) The Secretary for Health may grant a licence for the importation of narcotic drugs if on an application made to him by such persons as may be prescribed he is satisfied that the licence can be properly granted.
Section 5 which talks about the use of Narcotic Drugs also states:
(1) No person shall without lawful authority or excuse smoke, sniff, consume, inject in his body or otherwise administer narcotic drug on his body.
Again Sections 1(4) of the law states that “where a person imports any narcotic drug he shall within 14 days of such import deliver to the Pharmacy Board the particulars of the drug imported”.