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The Royal household is recruiting
The Royal household is recruiting

Looking for a job? The Queen is hiring a cleaner for £17,000 per year

Ever wondered what it's like to work at Buckingham Palace? According to the Royal Household's latest job advert, keeping your Highness's linen clean is all about 'collaboration' and 'community spirit'.


 Ah yes, 'community spirit' will help get those stains out. Although knowing your way around a pot of Vanish probably wouldn't go amiss, either. So, for just over £17,000 p/a what exactly is expected of one?

A short description of the role reads: 'It's ensuring the cloth matches the magnificence of the banqueting table.' So the colour-blind need not apply, and with the Queen as your boss, attention to detail is essential, so no scrimping on the ironing. 

The closing date is July 17, so get applying and you could soon be moving into Buckingham Palace with Her Maj. One caveat: there's a salary adjustment for the live-in position, but on the up side you would get your meals provided.

Alternatively, if all that fabric softener leaves your hands crinkled and you prefer the heat of the kitchen, there's another position going for kitchen porter, which is all about that 'feeling of satisfaction from helping to deliver a spotless service.' 

You'll be scrubbing cutlery and assisting with food prep, but if you're wondering how you're going to beef up your CV to apply for the role, don't panic.

There's no experience necessary for this one because: 'It’s who you are that we’re really interested in.' As long as 'who you are' is someone who enjoys washing pots, you should be okay. 

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