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Connecting with people romantically, emotionally, and physically is really amazing. But there's a lot of work that goes into building a good relationship. What are some tips for having a great relationship? How do you know if your relationship is healthy? How can I make my relationship better? This page has some great articles and stories about relationships.

This is why they insist on a late-night stroll after dinner

The weird thing a guy does when he’s into you

Men can be so hard to read—especially in the beginning, when you’re trying to suss out if they’re feeling you or not.

Here’s one strange sign that may help you figure it out: Men tend to walk slower with you when they’re into you, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.

15 Ways guys say 'I love you' without ever saying a word

If he does these things, he LOVES you!

Has your guy been fairly silent in the four-letter-word department, and you're trying to figure out if he loves you or not?

Not everyone is vocal (or obvious) about their feelings, and so many of us often find it difficult to express those deeper emotions out of a fear of rejection, commitment or simply never having said "I Love You" before.

Here are some subtle, silent things that let you know he's fallen for you:  

10 signs you are dating an emotional unavailable man

Ten signs you're dating an emotionally unavailable person

Here are the top 10 signs you are dating a person who is not ready for a committed relationship with you. If you notice several of these signals in that person, it may be time to ask yourself why you're still in a relationship with them. Are you really serious about wanting to be in a committed relationship?

Five ways to finally let go of someone who doesn’t love you back

 So while we’re huge proponents of following your heart, here’s a crash course in outsmarting the romance novel in your head with our favorite five of Brochard’s tips.

Ten things you should never post about your relationship on Facebook

We’re all friends with that one couple on Facebook: the couple that can’t stop posting mushy photos (hashtag: #blessed) and bragging about their relationship every chance they get.

Ten traits that can intimidate a guy

Have you ever had the feeling that men seem to be a bit wary of approaching you? Well, that could be because you are giving out the wrong signals. It is true that men do find successful and confident women attractive, but if you overdo the power image, you might put guys off.

How to break up with somebody without breaking their heart

Breakups suck. A lot. No one wants to be the bearer of bad news... especially when it involves telling the person you once had feelings for (or maybe still have feelings for) that your relationship is over.

But unfortunately, breakups are a part of life. If you have to dump someone, here's how to do it as painlessly as possible.

If you're hanging out but not yet official

20 Secrets of couples who stay together forever

1. Never underestimate the value of asking your partner how his day went. Niceties don't become any less nice just because they become routine. At the end of the day, even if you felt like no one cared about anything you did, at least you know your partner will not only care but want to know details.

2. Some fights are just fights. They don't have to be deal breakers. You can be madly in love with a person and still be mad at that person. Fights don't have to spell The End. Couples that stay together choose the relationship over the conflict.

3. Accept that relationships come with obligations. You might not want to do everything your partner wants you to do with him—work events, seeing a band he likes, even errands—but you also know it makes him happy to have you by his side, which makes doing those things totally worth it.

Telltale signs a guy is a player

Whether he's a long-time guy pal or a new dating prospect, he may be a player.

Traditionally, players are guys who juggle several different women at once while often keeping them in the dark about one another.

It's not always easy to spot one of these men, but there are telltale signs a guy is a player. Look for the clues, and compare him to other men in your life.

How to piece a relationship back together after someone cheats

In a 2011 study, almost one-quarter of men and nearly 20 percent of women admitted to cheating during their current relationships. More than you probably would have estimated, right? Although infidelity is often seen as the ultimate betrayal, the point of no return for a marriage or other romantic relationship, it’s something quite a few couples experience in their romantic lives. And yes, it is possible to stay together.

As painful as infidelity is, it does not have to be an automatic dealbreaker. Here are five things you can do to get back to a healthy, happy partnership after you or your significant other is unfaithful.

What you require in a relationship, according to your Zodiac Sign

In relationships, we all have needs. Whatever these needs are, if our partners manage to meet them, relationships remain strong. But if you don’t know what your partner needs from you, then it’s a good idea to take a look at their dominant personalities. Are they independent but secretly sensitive? Or are they shy when it comes to asking for what they want in your relationship?

One way to figure it out is through their zodiac sign, and WNQ-Astrology explains what you need to do for your partner to keep your relationship strong. Are you meeting your partner’s needs?

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Aries don’t play games when it comes to their relationships. They’re short-tempered and impatient, so it’s in their partner’s best interest to simply be honest and upfront with them if there’s a problem.

Marriage is extremely important in the life of a woman.

Is your man delaying marriage?

Marriage is extremely important in the life of a woman because it gives her great emotional fulfilment, security and social recognition.

She sees marriage as the focus of life. Most women, therefore, yearn to marry as soon as possible.

However, marriage does not come easy for some women because when everything appears ripe for marriage, her man keeps her in suspense for no apparent reason.

This delay partly accounts for the increasing trend of single women in Ghana

Imagine a 30-year-old, highly educated woman in a big position. She has everything a woman would dream of but after six years in a relationship, her boyfriend who is also in ‘bread’ keeps quiet about marriage.

She has offered to pay all expenses for the marriage rites and requirements but the man is still silent about marriage. She is deeply troubled because she loves her man deeply and sticks to him but he appears not to care. 

Ladies: Five signs a guy is really, really Into you

Here are 5 signs he’s appreciating you and taking you seriously:


How can I get on better with my other half?

Divorce is neither easy nor pleasant, and when most couples marry, they do so with the hope of staying together. What, then, is going wrong?

There is no 'perfect partner’, and the 'perfect relationship’ isn’t out there ready-made and waiting for you.

Most importantly, the expectations we have today about finding a partner are unrealistic. We’re constantly encouraged to look out for our 'perfect partner’. This is an incredibly appealing message—it takes us back to childhood fairy stories—and because it’s so attractive and we hear it so often, many of us assume it must be true. In fact, there is no 'perfect partner’, and the 'perfect relationship’ isn’t out there ready-made and waiting for you.

Sperm donation pays very well

Will you donate sperm?

Sperm donation or third party reproduction is the provision of male sperm (known as donor sperm) primarily for the purpose of inseminating a female who is not his sexual partner.

The sperm may be donated privately or directly to the intended recipient through a sperm bank or fertility clinic. The female may be inseminated naturally (through sexual intercourse) or through artificial insemination.

Pregnancy is achieved using donor sperm in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), Techniques such as intracervical insemination (ICI) or intrauterine insemination (ICU) in a clinic. It may also be done through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Today, sperm donation is on the increase in Ghana. According to the Economic Tribune of Oct. 2, 2012, ‘sperm has become one the hottest commodities being sold in Ghana.’

We might disagree about our perceptions, or our ideas and values.  Arguments can range from being quite trivial to significant and possibly damaging to the relationship.

8 Simple Strategies to Resolve Conflict in a Relationship

Many couples who come into my clinic will tell me that one of their goals is to find strategies to resolve conflict within their relationship.

When we are in close intimate relationships it is inevitable that there is going to be conflict from time to time and in some relationships the conflict can be quite frequent. We might disagree about our perceptions, or our ideas and values.  Arguments can range from being quite trivial to significant and possibly damaging to the relationship.

I get nervous when couples tell me that they don’t have any conflict or never fight as this can mean that important issues are not being addressed within the relationship.  Disagreements happen because both parties feel strongly about an issue.  Fighting is about finding strategies to resolve conflict and finding solutions to difficult issues.

Learn to embrace their differences.

Things You Must Do Independently

Sometimes relationships can seem like a lot of work until you sit back and realize just how much you've been given. A thriving, healthy relationship requires some give and take, and is absolutely within your reach if you and your partner are willing to do a bit of work. If you and your partner are right for each other, all the work will definitely be worth it in the long run.

You don't have to see each other constantly.

Ten Signs you have a low maintenance friendship

You don't need to see each other every day, week or month- Sometimes you see each other every few months or once a year- but when you get together it's like nothing has changed and you've never been apart.

You encourage each other- You may not get what they like and how they spend their time, however you're glad that they have a passion/hobby they love. Similarly- they aren't always on your wavelength but they're delighted that you've found someone to love.

You're happy for each other's successes- If they get a qualification, a promotion, engaged, married, fall pregnant you are happy for them as long as the are- you don't get jealous that you are moving at different paces in life and vice versa.

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