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Connecting with people romantically, emotionally, and physically is really amazing. But there's a lot of work that goes into building a good relationship. What are some tips for having a great relationship? How do you know if your relationship is healthy? How can I make my relationship better? This page has some great articles and stories about relationships.

26 Perks of being in a serious relationship in your 20s

Young, independent, and . . . committed? Yep, you heard that right. This is a declaration for anyone who's in a long-term relationship in their 20s and has felt pressure to "see what else is out there." Some people think that being in a relationship in your 20s makes no sense at all. They assume you're wasting away your youth; however, I couldn't disagree more.

12 Surprising facts about cheating

Can you spot a husband prone to infidelity? If he's unhappy with his wife, he'll cheat, right? Not necessarily. According to a Rutgers University study, 56% of men who have affairs claim to be happy in their marriages.

See your son’s marriage as an opportunity to extend your family; you do not lose a son, you gain a daughter

Do you hate your daughter-in-law?

One of the most important indicators to the health of your marriage is your relationship with your in-laws, especially with your mother-in-law.

5 Warning Signs That You’re A people pleaser (and how to fix it)

You cringe at the thought of saying no. You obsess about what others think of you and whether you’re doing something to make them dislike you. You live your life based on the opinions of others because you are deathly afraid of disappointing them. Do any of these sound familiar?

• God commands you to honour your parents and this includes your relationship.

How do your parents rate your lover?

You have fallen in love and everything looks great because you think you have so many things in common and the future looks good.

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5 Breakup phrases: Words that Signal the End

If you’ve ever been blindsided by a breakup, it’s possible that you weren’t picking up the subtle and not-so-subtle clues that signaled the end.

17 Mistakes everyone should make before they turn 30

Everyone makes mistakes. But no matter how much humiliation, pain, or sadness they may cause, every misstep helps us learn and grow and ultimately be better people.

3 Pillars of a healthy relationship

Over my years as a human behaviour expert with a Ph.D. in psychology and doctorate of education, I have been approached for relationship advice by many wonderful individuals and couples who were in many different stages of their relationships.

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8 Reasons why living together won’t lead to marriage

I see a lot of single women in my office, women who despite being smart, successful and attractive, complain that the dating world isn't being kind to them.

How committed is he? Long-term love signals

Men are notorious for being commitment-shy, but is this reputation truly fair and deserved? For some men, it certainly is, but not for all of them — not by a long shot. The trouble is, many men aren’t the type to come right out and put their deepest feelings, hopes and desires into words, especially regarding relationships and commitment.

These 4 signs don't actually mean he's cheating

The fear of cheating can turn some women into super-sleuths, overanalysing every missed call, mood swing, and physical change only to come to the inevitable conclusion their men are stepping out.

An orgasm a day can lower a man's risk of prostate cancer by 20%, study reveals

Regular orgasms can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, a study has found.

Eleven signs you’re in a mature relationship

A beautiful smile crosses your face as you glance across the room at your partner. You’re so happy in that moment that you can’t help but grin.Finally, you’ve found someone to really make you happy. After so many years, you’re finally dating someone who truly brings out the best in you!

11 Things that make your boyfriend brag about you

1. How much sex you have. Men will never stop bragging about this. Go to an old folks home and listen in on the elderly bros playing Pinochle in the corner. They'll still be bragging about having a great sex life.

Using pregnancy as a weapon

A woman loves to be in a relationship or marriage because it gives her a sense of security, emotional fulfillment and social status.  In Ghana, single women do not earn much respect irrespective of their personal achievements.

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Are you a ‘dating drainer’?

Everyone who has spent any time in the unpredictable world of dating has experienced an occasional misfire—a promising new relationship that suddenly fizzles without an obvious explanation. It happens. Romantic chemistry is fickle stuff at the best of times.

Is marriage becoming scary for young women?

I thoroughly enjoyed a conversation I had with some young women the other day on the topic of marriage.

15 Things that shouldn't matter about the person you're dating

1. His height. Don't cross someone off your list of potential future mates just because he's not tall enough. There's nothing wrong with not being attracted to someone (you can't force chemistry), but don't ignore an obvious connection just because he's not physically the kind of person you normally date or have pictured yourself with.

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