Good & Healthy Relationship Advice & Tips
Ten Signs you have a low maintenance friendship
You don't need to see each other every day, week or month- Sometimes you see each other every few months or once a year- but when you get together it's like nothing has changed and you've never been apart.
You encourage each other- You may not get what they like and how they spend their time, however you're glad that they have a passion/hobby they love. Similarly- they aren't always on your wavelength but they're delighted that you've found someone to love.
You're happy for each other's successes- If they get a qualification, a promotion, engaged, married, fall pregnant you are happy for them as long as the are- you don't get jealous that you are moving at different paces in life and vice versa.
You are there for each other in a flash if something big happens- A break up, loss of job, a death- they are always by your side when it really matters.
You don't text each other back right away- You can go days before they/you reply but you know that it's not going to offend because you are both so bad at replying it's become a running joke now.
They get your man struggles- When you give them the lowdown of reasons your partner ticks you off- they get it without question and share their own version of similar events.
You can talk about anything- Pooping, periods, sex, farting- literally anything and they won't judge you- they accept that it's all part of being human and carry on as if you have been talking about the weather.
You share your guilty pleasures when you do get together- Whether that's eating loads, drinking to excess or stopping in with your pjs on- you have an unspoken pact not to tell anyone else about your secret indulgences.
Time flies- When you do go out- the time goes by at lightening pace because you have so much catching up to do but you always make the most of your moments together.
You text each other after- To express how much of a good time you've had- and make an non-committal comment about meeting up again soon. You know it'll be a while before the next reunion but part of you wants to leave it a few weeks before you reconvene so you have masses to talk about.