Self styled photo editor jailed for publishing friend’s nude videos online

Self styled photo editor jailed for publishing friend’s nude videos online

He posted nude videos of his female friend online and used it to extort money from her, but now Richmond Clement Kobina Abegya will serve 30 days in prison and also pay a fine of GH¢4,800 for his criminal act.

That was after the Kaneshie District Court, presided over by Ms Rosemond Dodua Agyiri, sentenced him.


As part of the sentence, 33-year-old Abegya will serve an additional six months in prison if he fails to pay the fine.

He was also ordered by the court to pay the female victim (name withheld) GH¢5,000 with an additional order for him to pay the compensation by March 3, 2020, reports Graphic Online's Emmanuel Ebo Hawkson and Justice Agbenorsi who were in court on Wednesday.

The self-styled photo editor was sentenced on his own plea after he pleaded guilty to publication or sale of obscene materials, contrary to Section 280 of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29), and extortion, Section 151 of Act 29.


Court documents showed that Abegya befriended the lady on Whatsapp, an online messaging platform, sometime in 2019.

He posed as a pornography actor and started sending nude videos to his new friend.

After a while, he asked the victim to also send him nude videos, which she did.

However, when Abegya received the videos, he called the victim and threatened to publish the videos online if she did not pay him GH¢200.

“The complainant for fear of victimisation paid the money via mobile money,” court documents revealed.

Abegya upon receipt of the money broke his promise and published one of the videos on a certain website, "www.em........... [full name withheld]"

When the victim called him to complain, Abegya demanded another GH¢200 to pull down the video, which the victim paid.

“After the second payment, Abegya was persistently demanding money from the complainant and threatened to publish more nude videos if she does not pay,” it was revealed in court, Graphic Online's Emmanuel Ebo Hawkson and Justice Agbenorsi reported.

Following the persistent demands, the victim reported the matter to the police, leading to Abegya’s arrest.

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