Use internal structures to resolve UEW impasse - GAUA
The Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA) has advised that the impasse at the University of Education, Winneba, should be resolved using the internal structures to address any form of grievances or dispute within the university so as to help restore peace and harmony on campus.
"We, therefore, crave the kind indulgence of all including the government and its allied bodies/institutions as well individuals to exercise circumspection and allow the rules and regulations of the University as well as the national laws to lake their course," GAUA said.
Below is a full copy of the statement
The Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA) has observed with grave misgivings the unfolding incidents that led to demonstration and destruction of state properties belonging to the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), by a section of the students of the University, on Thursday, March 14. 2019.
GAUA is extremely worried that the UEW has in recent times been confronted with challenges in its efforts at applying rules and regulations of the University.
We, therefore, wish to add to calls by parents and civil societies to respectfully request the Governing Council of the University to take steps to use the internal structures of the University to address any form of grievances or dispute within the University to restore peace and harmony on its campuses.
GAUA believes that the University Act and Statutes provide
We believe that the current situation on the campus of the University of Education Winneba requires dialogue and exercise of
We, therefore, crave the kind indulgence of all including the government and its allied bodies/institutions as well as individuals to exercise circumspection and allow the rules and regulations of the University as well as the national laws to lake their course.
We further wish to appeal to staff and students of the University as well as all other stakeholders to cooperate in all respects to ensure that the situation is brought to normalcy
Thank you.
Issued on behalf of