“Let’s raise responsible children than repair damaged adults”
The Municipal Education Director for Kpone Katamanso in the Greater Accra Region, Madam Rosina Adorbor, has called for a holistic approach to child upbringing if the society is to benefit from investments in education.
She says if all stakeholders, including teachers, supervisors and parents would play their respective roles well and with dedication, society should be the better for it.
Madam Rosina Adorbor was speaking at Appolonia near Ashaiman on Tuesday during the handing over of a two unit kindergarten block for the Appolonia Kpone Katamanso Municipal Assembly (KKMA) Methodist Primary School and Speech and Prize Day for the Appolonia Schools.
Real estate developer, Appolonia City, refurbished the block and also sponsored the Speech and Prize Giving Day, having early on renovated the Junior High School block in what the company said was part of its ongoing corporate social responsibility towards its host community.
Madam Rosina Adorbor told the gathering of students, teachers, parents, assemblymen, officials of Appolonia City, traditional authorities as well as security heads in the area that the society is better off raising responsible children than repairing damaged adults.
She therefore asked stakeholders in education, particularly parents, to cut down on expenses on funerals and other festive occasions and rather channel their incomes into the education of their children who she said are the security of their future.
She said good quality education is a key ingredient in nation building as it is also for skills acquisition, and asked the students to stick with their books at all times.
According to Mrs. Adorbor, providing a conducive school environment is the responsibility of the community, the Methodist Church and the teachers. She called for a closer collaboration with the church in providing for the needs of the school.
She also appealed for residential accommodation for the teachers, most of who she said trek in and out of outlying towns daily, while they could serve as role models for the pupils and students if they lived in the community and thus interacted more frequently with them.
You are not a good teacher if… GES Director
The Accra Regional Director of Education, Dr. Mrs. Rhoda Eghan admonished teachers not to succumb to the many challenges life throws in their way but to strive to better the lives of the students put in their care.
A good teacher, she said, is the one who can overcome all the challenges and still bring out the best in the children, explaining that the children can become as good as the teachers themselves or even better when given the desired coaching and guidance.
“Let us accept our job as a calling from God”, she urged the teachers, and encouraged them to put in their best to place the children on a higher pedestal by striving also to achieve quality education.
Dr. Rhoda Eghan asked parents of the community and managers of the school to count their blessings to have Appolonia City rally to their support, saying speech and prize giving days are rare events in most public basic schools owing to financial constraints.
She also asked parents to invest in the education of their children and wards by cutting down on their own gratification, saying that given the right atmosphere and equal opportunities, children even if in villages, can and will do well.
The Chief Executive Officer of Appolonia City, Mr. Bright Owusu-Amofah pledged the company’s continued and improved support for the community in the areas of education and healthcare, explaining that as the immediate hosts of the company’s business, it is critical to equip the people with requisite skills to enable their employment into the company.
He said by so doing, the people can benefit immensely from their continued support for the company, which he said was in the area for the long haul.
“We enjoy tremendous support from the people and we believe they deserve all our support to better the lives of the community members”, he told Graphic Online.
Outstanding pupils and students from Kindergarten to JHS for the 2017/2018 academic year were rewarded with textbooks and bags, while a just retired teacher, Madam Veronica Akweley Sackey was presented with a deep freezer for long and dedicated service (38 years), while Mr. Richard Brentuo, Maths and Ga teacher at the JHS, received a 32-inch LED television for being the Best Teacher for the year.