Canadian Visa Application Center takes steps to prevent overcrowding
The national officer of the Canadian visa application center, Mr. Kojo Wilmot has asked applicants to avoid crowding his office.
In an interview on Accra-based Citi FM on Thursday, February 22, 2024, he urged applicants to adhere to their scheduled appointment times and avoid coming along with non-applicants.
This request was made in response to an increase in the number of individuals escorting applicants to their appointments.
“There is no need for you coming to the visa application center with a Rev. Minister to help you submit your application or undertake the biometric,” he stated during the interview.
“We used to be at Dzorwulu and we had to relocate to a much more spacious area just because of this problem,” he stressed.
Mr Wilmot said applicants who come to the centre before their scheduled appointment time would be forced to wait until their assigned slot.
“On numerous occasions, the person who actually did the booking and has secured a date will now come with an entourage and when they come, they all want to enter the application center and this, in numerous circumstances results in overcrowding,” he added.