Creative arts not one-man business
According to Whyte, popularly referred to as Uncle Ebo, he has become a great and appreciated playwright not just because he churns out interesting stories, but rather because the actors and actresses as well as others who help in the production of his plays do 'outstanding jobs.'
Speaking at the first public showing of his latest play, the Puppeteers at the National Theatre last Saturday, Uncle Ebo said it was only when those in the business appreciated the works and efforts of those who help them rise to the top, that their works could also become great and 'outstanding.'
"Of course I love what I do as a playwright and I'm happy people enjoy my works, but the fact is that the actors and actresses, choreographers, musicians and other techicians who help to bring the play and the theme alive are experts at what they do and this is just to acknowledge the fact that without them, my works remain just on paper."
He also said it was important for those who use the services of the other professionals in the industry treated them with respect and dignity as it's only then that they can also get the 'very best to work for them and compliment their efforts in their line of professionalism.'
" Thankfully, the creative industry is one big family like the human body. It can never be functional without the other parts of the body and no one part is more important than the other.
We all need one another to be complete in what we do and I think once we acknowledge that, our works also stand to benefit greatly," the man who has kept his word on producing four plays in each year said.
And indeed, his acknowledgement and appreciation of those who supported him with his latest play was reflective in the performance of the night as from start to finish, the cast and other roles played in the entire production of the Puppeteers was simply apt.
From start to finish, there was never a dull moment as the cast expertly and impressively played their roles interwoven with music and dance.
The backing band so blended with the performance it was difficult to make that distinction.
The play runs again this weekend.