Bisease SHS records high academic performance

Academic performance of the Bisease Senior High School (BISECO) has continued to improve between 2008 and 2013. During the period, the school had scored 100 per cent, with quite a number of the candidates scoring grades B and C and some obtaining As in their respective subjects.


This was made known by the Headmaster, Mr Mark Humphrey Mensah, at the third Speech and Prize-giving Day of the school at Ajumako Bisease recently.

According to Mr Mensah, the Ministry of Education has given a consignment of science equipment to support the teaching and learning of the subject in the school due to the performance of its Science students. 

Other programmes run at the school are General Arts, Business (Accounting and Secretarial) and Home Economics.

Mr Mensah noted that the school performed well in the zonal and regional sports competitions, adding that it won the 2013 inter-school zonal male football competition and placed second in the female category. 


Mr Mensah expressed worry that a six-unit classroom block started by the government had been abandoned, and observed that the school needed a 12-unit classroom block to ease congestion and promote effective teaching and learning.

He pleaded with all stakeholders to assist the school to build an assembly hall, a dining hall with a kitchen, an ICT centre, a Home Economics block and staff bungalows.

Mr Mensah thanked the Affram family in the town for giving out the land for the construction of the school. He also thanked the government, PTA, GETFund and all stakeholders for their support to the school.

The National Programmes Co-ordinator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Global Environment Facility, Mr George Ortsin, who spoke on the topic, “Community Senior High School and Community Development”, said education was the process by which individuals acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes for the benefit of society.

He asserted that the relevance of education to development had driven successive governments in Ghana to use education as the vehicle for accelerating development.

According to Mr Ortsin, community senior high schools connect, collaborate, and create an effective learning atmosphere for academic excellence.

“Community schools offer a personalised curriculum that emphasises real-world learning and community problem-solving initiatives,” he said.

In a speech read on his behalf, the Central Regional Director of Education, Mr Joseph Kor, commended the Bisease community for its dedication and commitment to bringing education to the doorstep of the youth in the area.

The Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Mr Ato Forson, who is an old student of the school, said the school had been ranked very high, and that its products could be found everywhere in national life. 

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