Super Kings School at 10

Article 26(1) of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages”.


However, it is always not possible for some children to enjoy this fundamental right due to economic difficulties of countries, especially those in the developing world. In Ghana, much as the state tries to ensure that every child has access to school, the economic realities have not made that possible.

In view of this situation, institutions, especially religious bodies, as well as private individuals, have over the years partnered government to provide educational facilities in many communities. Currently, the country has several private institutions providing education at various levels to children.

One of such private institutions is the Super King’s School Complex at Odorkor Otaten, near Gloryland Hotel, in Accra. This school was established by Mr Agboda and his wife Barbara, when they realised that there was no school in the vicinity to cater for the growing number of children.

On September 9, 2003, the school started with four children made up of two grand-daughters of the founders, their own son, and another child from the neighbourhood. Classes started from the bedroom and living rooms of the owners which had been converted into classrooms, before a four-unit classroom was later built.

The school, which now has a senior high school, also boasts a modern complex providing a sound environment for teaching and learning. The teaching staff is made up of professionally trained teachers from various higher educational institutions.

Five batches of students presented for the BECE examinations since the school’s inception recorded excellent results of no failures with some of them having distinction. From only four children the school now has 800 ranging from nursery to junior high.

On February 22, this year, the school held a special anniversary programme on its premises to mark its 10th anniversary . The theme for the celebration was “Education and morality: the best treasure for the child.”

 In an address, one of the directors of the school, Ms Joana Agboda, said plans were advanced to provide pupils and students of the school with laptops to enhance their learning.

For her part, the Accra Metropolitan Director of Education, Ms Rosetta Addison Sackey, called on educational institutions to provide both academic and moral training for pupils and students, since those were the ingredients needed for national development.    

Judging from its achievement in the short period of time, there is no doubt that Super King’s  School Complex is on the way for more enviable achievements. The community, parents and the local educational authorities must all help the school to grow both in numbers and quality. 

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