MFWA indicts Daily Guide, Adom Fm for "ethical violations"
The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) has released the first of its media ethics monitoring report citing a number of media houses for ethical violations during the month of May, 2014.
Prominent among the media organisations cited for ethical violations are news portal, the Accra-based Adom FM and the Daily Guide Newspaper.
The Accra-based Adom FM recorded the highest number of ethical violations among the 24 radio stations monitored, while the Daily Guide newspaper topped the 10 newspapers monitored. also topped the five online portals monitored.
The report also contains a number of recommendations for media regulatory bodies, groups and associations and the journalism institutions.
Some of the specific recommendations made by the MFWA include the fact that media groups/associations should prioritise and undertake continuous professional capacity building for members; media groups and associations should introduce effective self-regulatory mechanisms that promote adherence to ethical standards among journalists; and journalism training schools should endeavour to nurture a culture of adherence to professional ethics among students
The media ethics monitoring forms part of activities under the MFWA’s project: Promoting Professional Standards and Enhancing the Watchdog Role of the Ghanaian Media.
The project is aimed at improving the professional standards of the media in Ghana and supporting them to play a much more effective role in fostering transparent and accountable governance in Ghana through critical and investigative stories.
Click here for the full report.