Mr Kalmoni Nouhad, Silver Star Auto Ltd. boss

Rejoinder: Silver Star boss convicted for contempt

The management of Silver Star Auto Ltd. has written a rejoinder to a story Daily Graphic published on December 23, 2014 titled 'Silver Star boss convicted for contempt'. Find the rejoinder below unedited: 


Rejoinder: Silver Star boss convicted for contempt

We write with respect to your publication headed above which appeared at page 16 of the Daily Graphic edition of 23 December 2014 as well as your website.  in order to point out some inaccuracies in the story and set the records straight.

The factual background to the case is that in 2007 G. A Sarpong & Co purchased a Mercedes-Benz E-Class from the Silver Star Auto Ltd. In May 2008 the car was driven by an officer of G. A. Sarpong through water in such a way that water entered into the engine and caused extensive damage to it. Up to that time the car was in perfect normal shape and there was no defect on

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