Okudzeto Ablakwa is uncouth and uncultured in insulting elders – Martin Amidu - Okudzeto Ablakwa is uncouth and uncultured in insulting elders – Martin Amidu
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I was not stupid not to understand that if I commenced any action in the Supreme Court while those cases were still pending the ignorant public may think I was siding with the judges accused of corruption against Anas Aremeyaw Anas which would not have been the case. As long as those judges continue with their cases in court, experience and tactical considerations have urged me to stay my hands in the matter. I was called to the Bar almost two good years before Okudzeto Ablakwa was born on 11th August 1980 and I cannot therefore make the infantile mistakes he wished I should have made by following up on my allegations when the other cases are still pending. I may yet be proved right in the future when no corruption cases in the judges corruption cases are pending before the courts or when this Government decides to investigate my allegations against the John Mahama Government in the use of unconstitutional covert agents during his administration.
Okudzeto Ablakwa also stupidly questions why as a Plaintiff/Applicant spending my own resources to try to retrieve the over GHC51 million Woyome and Mills/ Mahama Government loot of the national purse, I should cut my losses by withdrawing my application to examine the principal looter, Woyome, in the face of undue delays by the Court to dispose of the matter and the of rising cost to me personally so that the new Government would continue with that endeavor as it had promised. Only an infantile lawyer like Okudzeto Ablakwa would refuse to cut his losses as I did when he knows that Governments in Ghana do not pay for any fees associated with filing and prosecuting civil cases except legal costs, damages, and other awards. I am still the Plaintiff in the Woyome case who is at liberty to go back to the Court should I not be satisfied with the handling of the execution process of the judgment in my favour.
On 6th September 2017 Citi FM fished out my birthday, called to congratulate me, and took advantage of the occasion to have a short interview with me. It was after this interview in which I had responded to questions such as whether I am a contrarian, or a traitor to the NDC that I discovered that Okudzeto Ablakwa had written another feature article insulting me on 5th September 2017 entitled: “Martin Amidu, Is He A Contrarian, A Traitor, Or An Anti-Corruption Crusader…” on Modern Ghana. Without having read his second article, I had answered his childlike queries in the Citi FM interview which any interested reader may fish out, listen to, or read.
Interestingly, Okudzeto Ablakwa in his usually disingenuous and dishonourable fashion was repeating in that article disagreement he had had with me previously to which I had responded without even having the courtesy of informing his readers about my previous responses. All my responses are on my website, martinamidu.com or Martin Amidu Speaks some of which are under the headings: “Why Martin Amidu Is Not Using Government Or Party Channels For His Advocacy For Accountability And Transparency” dated 29th May 2012; “Fighting Graft And Corruption Under The National Democratic Governments Of Ghana” dated 3rd November 2013; On Galloppers, Settlements And The Hallowed Traditions Of The Office Of The Attorney General” dated 10th July 2012; and “Defending Citizens’ Rights And Freedoms From Unconstitutional Conduct By Government And Its Unlawful Covert Agent” dated 11th November 2015: and many others.
Unlike Okudzeto Ablakwa who conveys the impression in his articles that Constitutionalism, democracy and the rule of law mandate that I should have protected the crimes and graft I exposed simply because of membership of a political party, I take the right and correct view that the Constitution enjoins every citizen to up hold and defend it by exposing any activity of any person or group of persons who abuse Article 55 on political parties for criminal purposes. My duty to the 1992 Constitution overrides any loyalty to any political party the moment it becomes an enterprise to undermine the Constitution through any form of corruption or graft, including such unconstitutional conducts as those John Mahama and Okudzeto Ablakwa committed when they were in office as a Government.
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And yet, Okudzeto Ablakwa shamelessly writes that citizens should disregard their constitutional obligations and protect mafia clubs in political parties when they are acting criminally and unconstitutionally. I believe the reason for Okudzeto Ablakwa’s warped reading of the Constitution is an upbringing in which he was not taught to respect his own parents let alone others persons standing in the position of his parents as elders. When a child is cursed by a father who brought him up from age three because of disrespect and insults to him the child grows up to become the type of Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa: with sharp teeth, both figuratively and physically and a scourge on all elders of the whole Ghanaian society except those who feed his greedy political stomach.
This is how it came about that on or around 25th January 2011 when Okudzeto Ablakwa was 30 years old and married, his adopted father, Benet Ablakwa, who assumed legal responsibility for his upbringing since age 3 “walked into the offices of Daily Guide on Friday January 21, 2011 swearing that Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa was too ungrateful to occupy a ministerial position and it would be in the interest of the country if he was relieved of his post”. His legal father who was in the company of his sister, Sally Ablakwa added that: “Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa now treated him like a piece of rag” the Daily Guide recounted. Just go to Ghana Web news archives of 25th January 2011 to read the full story about what his own father said about his obnoxious character.