CEO of Springboard Foundation, Rev. Albert Ocran
CEO of Springboard Foundation, Rev. Albert Ocran

From strength to strength; The five universally applicable laws of progress

Last week, Rev Albert Ocran shared with listeners on Springboard, your virtual university, a playback of his message "Rising like the Eagle." Last Sunday, he shared the sequel to that with one of the most compelling messages entitled "From Strength to Strength." 


He examined the flight of the airplane and distilled  five universally applicable laws of progress. 

“Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will still be praising You. Selah 5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage. 6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools.  They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion. (Psalms 84:4-7)” 

Some people find strength in their beauty, fame, finances, family name, education, wisdom or social connections. All these are good but they can fail you. Where is your strength? The one whose strength is in Jehovah keeps increasing in strength. 

Below are the five universally applicable laws of progress

 The law of alignment

The pilot needs to consistently stay in touch with the control tower, align the take off, stay on the stipulated path and wait for clearance when coming in to land. When someone else forcefully takes control of the cockpit or the pilot cuts communication with the control tower and steers the aircraft away from the original flight path it is called a HIJACKING. 

Is it possible that some of us have wrestled control or allowed others to hijack our lives from the original purpose or direction of God? Ask yourself how well you are submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When you align with God's purpose, your heart is stayed on Him throughout the pilgrimage. Psalms 32:8 says "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye

Law of interconnectedness 

This is about Collective Aspirations, Synergy or Shared Dreams. None of us is an island. Each one on the plane had made their own plans. Some planned as long as a year before to travel that day. Some decided that very morning and bought a last minute ticket. Some were traveling on business and others were on their honeymoon. Some were going to bury a loved one while others were tourists looking for pleasure. Yet they were all on the same flight sharing the experience. 

Life is such that while you may make your plans and focus on your life, there are others whose lives are inextricably linked with yours. Your dream is linked with others. In Genesis 2:18, "And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” This principle goes beyond marriage and establishes the need for partnership and synergy. 

If no one else were traveling in your direction and you had to pay for the flight alone, assuming 400 seats at a  flat rate of even $1,000, it would cost you alone about $400,000. The only reason you can pay $1,000 and fly is because your dream becomes possible by connecting with several others traveling in the same direction. 

Moses had an assignment from God but in the course of it he connected with his parents Amram and Jochabed, siblings Aaron and Miriam, Pharaoh's Daughter, Pharaoh, Jethro, Zipporah, Joshua, Caleb and several others. Ten other people with their own dreams but who were all connected to his and helped in their own way. 

Everybody needs someone. The pilot needs air hostesses, stewards, flight attendants, navigators, ground staff, catering, check in personnel etc.? For the size of things God wants to do in your life you need destiny connectors in several places. May God connect you to them and open your eyes to see them.

Law of momentum

The impossible becomes possible when we gain speed. The Boeing 747 hits a maximum cruise speed of 920 kmph. Interestingly at that point rather, the pilot can engage it into cruise control mode and can afford to relax, chat and drink coffee.

When you are laying the foundation, sowing seeds or building something, it involves sweat and toil but with time the law of momentum will kick in and you will see your aircraft cruising.

You may be laying a foundation with blood and tears today. But may you come into a season of effortless progress!!!

Law of turbulence

Jesus said to his disciples "Let us go to the other side" but as they went they experienced a storm. Halfway through the flight you will sometimes encounter turbulence or uncertainty but keep your eyes on the destination.

John 16:21 A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world." THIS ONE TOO SHALL PASS.

Your flight shall not be aborted halfway through. Your plane will not crash. In spite of the turbulence you shall arrive at your destination. Your challenges shall be turned into triumph!!!

Law of renewal

This is also known as the law of Continuity. Life is a never ending continuum. Years ago, whenever a Ghana Airways flight landed, the passengers would clap to congratulate the pilot for a good job done. However, the schedule of life is such that soon after that the plane takes off again on another trip with a different set of passengers.

The end of one assignment or project is the beginning of a new one. Don't over celebrate one achievement. Every harvest contains the seed for the next cultivation. One breakthrough is not the end of the world. Imagine conquering the 5km mark on a marathon and remaining at the sign celebrating. Keep pressing on. Thank God for yesterday's success but guess what? It's time to DREAM AGAIN!!! 


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