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Learning frees hidden treasures

Let me provoke you with these questions: Do you sometimes find yourself in a rot? In other words, do you sometimes find yourself in so much “disarray” that you feel like giving up?


Yes, of course, probably you may be saying so! Or, you may rather be saying: What really is the import of these questions when as humans we always experience ups and downs, as part of the lessons in life?

Well, certainly my point too but as we react to situations differently, l bet there are others who are in need of help, probably saying to themselves: I need encouragement to get out of my rot! 

So, the attempt to answer the questions l have posed above could prove useful in the end to those in the rot, but denying it, and those who have accepted that they are in a rot and are looking for help. 

So the first attempt at answering the question is this: l am going to look at the import of the questions, that is, why l posed the questions in the first place. 

History states that the pilgrims who first landed in America first developed a town, set up a governing body but when in their third year or thereabout, decided to construct a five kilometre road westwards to expand, it became a problem for many. 

That, in essence, means that people who had travelled across several oceans to settle at a place were now in a rot, in complete disarray, arguing about a five kilometre road that was ostensibly to expand their own town. 

In fact, they described the construction as “unnecessary” and “waste of money”! Certainly the vision was fading at that point.

Yes, this story explains why l wanted to find out whether you have also gotten to a similar point in your life, the point that the very things that had worked perfectly for you, that had kept you buzzing in life, have now become “stumbling blocks” to your progress. Your vision is not only fading but also not interesting to you anymore.

The second reason is based on an interesting article l stumbled upon in the course of the week. This article was written by Jeff Weiner, CEO at LinkedIn and posted on his Wall.

Weiner was glowing in his article about why we should “always be learning” but primarily on the importance of education. Obviously happy that LinkedIn had found a common strategic fit with, as a result of which his company had planned to acquire, Weiner concluded his article by saying “…. always be learning. The world moves too quickly now to rest on the knowledge we gained earlier in our lives”.

Certainly so. I remembered right after reading the article how leading industry leaders have always called for commitment to constant improvement or an attitude that seeks knowledge at all times as the best way to succeed and stay ahead. 

 In fact, l have reproduced most of these writings here in this column, if you have followed the column over the last four years or so. 

Now we are going to remind ourselves, again, about why visions die, and why committing to a lifelong learning attitude would not only keep you active and productive but would also ensure that you achieve the financial and economic success that you need. 

Mind you, wealth creation is not about the number of self-improvement books you have read; it’s about the self-improvement principles that you have learnt and therefore have decided to apply. You can read thousands of books and still not learn anything if you are not serious about acquiring knowledge in the first place.

Learning that involves acquired useful knowledge, mostly life transforming skills and techniques, makes it easier for you to break boundaries and become fearless when others are fearful.

Have you ever wondered why some are more successful than others? Ah, another thought-provoking question right?  Well…mostly the successful ones search for the “truth”; they search for excellence. 

Mostly too, they never stop at good, they carry on to become great, excellent individuals improving every aspect of their lives. Mind you, l haven’t mentioned formal education here.

This is because reading Weiner’s article, l became more convinced that our educational system (formal) that we often so jealously guide, may after all, not be fit for purpose in the 21st century.

Hear him on this: “I believe we need to transition from a 20th century approach heavily reliant on rote learning to a 21st century curriculum focused on collaboration, critical reasoning and creative problem solving; provide more opportunities for experiential vs. textbook learning; better equip teachers to cater to multiple forms of intelligence vs. simply focusing on math and verbal skills; ensure compassion is taught in every classroom; and provide today's students with the skills they need to obtain the jobs that are and will be vs. the jobs that once were”.


Quite deep, isn’t it? Sure. We need new skills every day and we can have these skills when we commit to lifelong learning. Learn about your business more, your environment, etc. and you will be amazed about the impact it will have on your own financial health. 

A healthy mind always releases the creative juices you need to “grow” in a balanced way. 

Learn more to expand the brain to do more- and see your financial freedom improve in the process.

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