Signs you need to change your shocks
Worn shocks are a serious safety issue. But how can you tell when yours need replacing? The best way is to ask an auto repair shop. Here are a few clues to watch for and some shock absorber basics.
What are shock absorbers?
There is a shock at each corner of your car or truck. They look like metal tubes, similar to the old manual bicycle pumps we once used, and they’re fitted between the wheel and the body of the vehicle.
Their job is to control the movement of the springs. Without shocks you’d have a pretty bouncy ride and the wheels would have a hard time staying in contact with the road. That would be a problem because your braking distance would increase and you’d have trouble with the steering.
How do they work?
If you put a finger over the end of a bicycle pump, it gets really hard to push the rod into the tube. But move your finger slightly, so a little air can escape, and the rod slides more easily.
That’s what happens in a shock absorber; only instead of air, it’s filled with oil; and rather than going out of the pump like the air, the oil flows through a hole in the piston. So the shock slows down the vertical motion of the spring, giving a smooth, safe ride.
How can you tell when shocks need replacing?
Longer stopping distance
Having worn shock absorbers on your vehicle can increase your stopping distance by up to 20 per cent. As you increase your travelling speed this will also increase the distance it takes your vehicle to completely stop. This 20 per cent extra distance can be enough to cause a fatal incident and should be attended to as soon as possible.
Swerving and nosedives
Does your car dip or swerve under braking? If so you need to have your shock absorbers checked. If you do dip or swerve under braking it decreases your control over the car which can be very dangerous in wet weather.
Are you getting vibrations through the steering wheel as you’re driving along? If your shocks are working properly they should keep your tyres in optimal contact with the road and there shouldn’t be any vibrations. If this problem occurs you need to be cautious, at high speeds the vibrations can be more intense and decreasing overall control of the vehicle.
Car sliding and veering
Do you have to correct car sliding or veering across the road in mild winds? This is a telltale sign of worn shocks and can be easily fixed with a shock replacement.
Rocking & rattling
If your vehicle rattles and rocks over bumps, railway tracks and uneven surfaces, it is highly likely your shocks are heavily worn. Along with an unpleasant ride this rocking and rolling can be putting unwanted pressure on other car components and should be seen to as soon as possible.
Uneven tyre wear
Can you see bald patches or uneven wear on your tyres? This usually means your tyres don’t have optimal contact with the road, which can be caused by worn shocks. This will have an effect on car control and tyre grip and both should be checked and replaced.