Rev.Prof. Cephas Narh Omenyo addressing the congregation.

Establish marriage tribunals in Presbyterian Church - Prof. Omenyo

The Provost of the College of Education, University of Ghana, Legon, Reverend Professor Cephas Narh Omenyo, has suggested that the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) should introduce marriage tribunals in the church to reconcile spouses experiencing challenges in their marriages.


He said divorce and remarriage rates by Christians were alarming so there was the need to find a lasting solution to the problem before it gets out of hand.

Rev. Prof. Omenyo noted that if such a tribunal was established, it could help salvage troubled marriages in the church.


‘’Marriage tribunals, when established effectively as the last option for couples, will make divorce unattractive,’’ Rev. Prof. Omenyo stated.

Holy matrimony

He said Christians were created in the image of God and, therefore, they were supposed to be together in the holy matrimony until death separated them. 

‘’The Bible we Christians read day-in-day-out teaches us to remain in our marriages whenever we are put together as couples but what do we see these days? Marry, divorce, remarry, divorce and these are what our creator we claim to be serving abhors,’’ the Provost indicated.


 Rev. Prof Omenyo was addressing the 44th Dangme–Tongu Presbytery Session Durbar of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana at the Zimmerman Congregation at Odumase–Krobo in the Lower Manya Krobo municipality in the Eastern Region on the topic; “Divorce, Remarriage and step-parenting, a challenge for church and society.” 

The four-day programme was held on the theme, “The Anointing of the Holy Spirit (1 John 2; 20, 27)’

He said the anointing of the Holy Spirit transformed individuals, the Church, and society at large. 

He also said biblical teachings must reflect in the lives of Christians in all facets of life including marriage. 

Ideal home

Rev. Prof. Omenyo, who is also a Presbyterian minister, described an ideal home for a married couple as an abode where both spouses lived under one roof and were not only parents but friends to their children as they made efforts to create happiness at home at all times.

He stated that many innocent children were now suffering the effects of the rising divorce rates in the country, leading to the destruction of the future of some of the children from such homes.


He suggested that the church should embark on effective training of both lay and ordained men in marriage counselling and called for the organisation of marriage seminars and premarital counselling for potential couples in the church.


The Dangme-Tongu Presbytery Chairperson, Rev. Fred Nuer Appertey, expressed appreciation to all and sundry for supporting him during his five-year successful stewardship of the church.

He also expressed concern about utterances and the negative use of social media in political discourse and admonished Ghanaians to exercise circumspection as the campaign for this year’s general election approached.  


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