Nana Konadu eulogises Nelson Mandela

The Rawlings family in a pose with Nelson MandelaIt is with great sadness that I learnt of Madiba’s death and without a doubt, the shock of his passing has saddened all citizens and leaders worldwide.


Madiba’s leadership gave the world a true demonstration of how an African’s unbreakable spirit can be converted into an effective, reliable, passionate, yet humbleforce to change an oppressive situation into one of tolerance.

His sincerity when stressing his point; his ability to listen patiently whenever we paid him a visit, his light-hearted approach to issues and his wise counsel will be deeply missed.

Nelson Mandela was not bound by race or creed or nationality! His magnanimity of spirit, compassion and wisdom elevated him to a position that was not political, racial or religious. He came to epitomise some of the best qualities of humanity and laid the foundation for what should be a way forward for the peoples of not only South Africa, but the entire Global Community.

I pray that in his passing the principles by which he lived will be given even greater impetus and that the people of South Africa continue along the path of Our Hero, Our Conscience, Our African leader.

I would like to offer my condolences on behalf of my family and myself to Madiba's family -his South African and Global Family.

Madiba, may your soul rest in peace.

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