Simple oral hygiene instructions we must all know
We naturally do not value what we have until we lose them or are at the verge of doing so. Our attitude towards our oral health is no different. Until most people get to know the cost of saving a tooth (cost of RCT and a crown) or the cost of replacing already lost teeth (cost of dentures, bridges or dental implants), they will not attach the deserved attention to their oral health.
Very simple and inexpensive Oral hygiene instructions (OHI) if adhered to, will save us a lot of money, time and pain. Below are these invaluable OHI:
- Rinse your mouth with water after eating anything
- Avoid taking snacks between your major meals
- Minimise your intake of sweets; replace them with fruits
- Visit your dentist at least every 6 months
- Brush twice daily
- Use a medium harness bristled brush and a fluoridated toothpaste
- Do not rinse your mouth with water after brushing at night, just spit out the paste. You can rinse with a little water in the morning after brushing
- Do not eat again after brushing at night. If you do, you must brush again before going to bed.
NB Rinsing with water reduces the amount of fluoride left to protect your teeth from decay
- Never forget to brush your tongue. This reduces bad breath.
- Start brushing from a different side of your mouth everyday
- Start brushing from the places you find more difficult to brush and end at the less difficult
- Change your toothbrush at least every 3 months