'Ban all songs associated with terrorism '

The Chairman of the Eastern Region Council of Muslim Chiefs, Chief Abu Adams, has, as a matter of urgency, called on the government to ban all songs associated with terrorism in the country.

Such songs, he said, had the potential of promoting terrorist activities which must not be allowed in Ghana.

He has, thus, cautioned Ghanaian muslims not to associate themselves with terrorist organisations such as Al-Queeda and Al-Shabab of Somalia because terrorism had no place in Islam.

Chief Adams, who is also the Chief of the Dagomba community in Koforidua in the Eastern Region, gave the caution after saying prayers to mark this year’s Eid-ul-Adha Festival in Koforidua on Tuesday.

According to him some musicians have recently composed a song on Al-Queeda, a notorious terrorist organisation, just to make that organisation popular, and that if such songs were to dominate the airwaves and homes, they would glorify terrorist activities with severe consequences on the peaceful Ghanaian society.

Terrorist acts, Chief Adams said, involved the killing of innocent people and was therefore unfortunate and wrong for such dastardly acts to be associated with a peaceful religion such as Islam.

The government, he indicated, should therefore immediately ban such songs that would popularise terrorism.

Referring to the recent Al-Shabab attack on the Nairobi shopping mall in which more than 60 people, including Ghana’s former Chairman of the Council of State, Prof Kofi Awoonor, perished, Chief Adams said that unfortunate incident was an issue between Somalia and Kenya and was therefore not to be associated with Islam.

Ghanaians, he indicated, should, therefore, heed the warning from Britain of a possible terrorist attack on the country since Ghana had also sent troops to Mali, which was formerly under terrorist attack.

Dilating on the peace the country was presently enjoying, he attributed it to all the nine judges of the Supreme Court who sat on the 2012 election petition case and delivered judgement, and Nana Akufo-Addo, the New Patriotic Party’s presidential candidate, who accepted the ruling although it went against him.

By A. Kofoya-Tetteh/Daily Graphic/Ghana

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