Sakara wishes muslims well

Dr Abu SakaraDr Abu Sakara, the 2012 CPP Presidential Candidate, has extended warm greetings of joy and peace to all Muslims on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, which helps to strengthen faith, boost the sense of sacrifice, and remind of the great promise.


“We thank Allah Almighty,  the Merciful One, for granting us our lives to see this day,” he said in a statement.

According to Dr Sakara, “We must be especially grateful that through the enlightenment of God’s word and teachings, we have benefited from His grace to enable us live peacefully with our neighbours in our communities and our beloved country Ghana.”

“Let us all continue to draw inspiration from the example of Prophet Abraham’s great submission by way of his preparedness to make a great sacrifice,” he stated.

He called on all to continue to make those sacrifices that reinforced the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood that bound  families, communities and the nation together.

Making Ghana work for the good of all of us requires such capacity for sacrifice in the daily lives of all citizens, he stated.

“In this new year, let us together commit to reason and sacrifice in order to find a new way forward out of the strikes and financial difficulties that besiege our nation ,” he added.

Dr Sakara called on all to give thanks to Allah as they struggled to feed, clothe, shelter and educate their families in difficult times, adding, “The difficult times will not last forever because Allah will not test us beyond our limits.”

He said there was hope in the flame of patriotism that Allah inspired in the founder members of the nation.

“We must keep that hope burning today and for future generations. We , therefore, celebrate the contributions that Muslims have made to our country and the big role they continue to play for our peaceful development. We must never allow those who may be jealous of the harmonious relationship that Muslims, Christians and people of other faiths enjoy in Ghana to succeed in destroying that which Allah has generously granted,” he pointed out.

“Let us stand firm together in our faithful commitment to peace and prosperity in our nation.  Let the happiness we enjoy on this day of Eid- ul-Adha make us extra-vigilant and be on our guard against those who would bring wailing to our mouths, tears to our eyes and sadness to our hearts,”  he said.

Dr Abu Sakara thanked all religious leaders, especially Muslims, for their foresight and wisdom, which only Allah had bestowed upon them.

“We must as a nation remember and be grateful for their quiet and constant contribution through prayerful intercession and even their admonishments to us. May they and their families be especially blessed on this day of Eid ul Adah,” he concluded.

 Source: Daily Graphic/Ghana

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