Truth about work that helps you to enjoy
In his book, The Grand Essentials, Ben Patterson, writes about the three grand essentials of life. "Something to Do" is the first grand essential he writes about.
Every individual does something. It may be informal, formal, part-time, full-time, remote, or flexible, but it is called work. Patterson extols the virtues of work and suggests that work is one of the grand essentials of life. The identity of many people is tied to their job or profession.
In social settings, some adults introduce themselves by the work they do. Sometimes, there is also the usual "what do you do?" question after introductions. With the improvement in life expectancy, most people will spend over half a century engaged in work.
Work is a significant component of our lives.Work can be a source of pure joy and pride or a bitter experience, and the good news is that every individual can enjoy work.
Every work is beneficial in every way: Work can give you everything if you work with the truths about work. In doing our work, we make a worthy contribution and carry out the mandate of having dominion and replenishing the earth.
Work is a source of great joy and enables us to grow meaningful relationships with others as we engage in an endeavour to improve the lives of others.
The earnings from our labour make it possible to meet other life-pressing needs and the needs of those who depend on us. By saving some of their earnings from work, workers take care of their needs and still live decent lives even when they cannot work.
Many people use work to achieve their dreams pursue other life goals. The work we do completes the circle of life.
Despite the promise, many workers are yet to achieve the potential that work can offer them.
The world of work is not all that rosy. There can be instances where one can have a boss who can make it their work to create hell on earth for you or find yourself in a toxic work environment.
It is gratifying to learn that these experiences are not the norm. I can safely conclude that not many workers are engaged in back-breaking work in an environment that is dangerous and unhealthy compared to several decades ago.
As a result of effective labour campaigns, technological advancements, and proper use of tools, most workplaces are now safe and healthy environments.
One would expect workers will be happy at work given the improvements we have experienced.
What is the cause of the pain?
The current statistics on the state of work are not encouraging. Workers are stressed and not engaged at work as they struggle to balance numerous competing goals in life.
What could be the reason for the pain when work has so much to offer? Could it be that we have approached work with an inaccurate perception of what our relationship with work should be?
Could it be that a change of perspective would help many workers to have better relationships and enjoy the possibilities that work offers? This article shares a new perspective on our relationship with work.
What is driving your attitude towards your work?
Should we find our passion or find passion in whatever work we are engaged in? The judo-Christian belief has a clear answer to this question.
The Bible says, “Whatever your handfinds to do, do it with your might”. In other parts of scripture, it says, “Whatever you do, work heartily”.
I believe these inspired Martin Luther King to make the famous statement, "All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence".
All labour in this sentence includes, for example, the labour that is done under the supervision of a demanding boss as long as it is possible to work with excellence.
Adopting a nonchalant attitude to work while waiting for the prospect one is passionate about is a lost opportunity to experience the benefits work offers.
The attitude of waiting for what one is passionate about has left many devastated as they have waited for far longer than they had anticipated initially.
No matter the nature of the work, we must approach it with meaning and curiosity, seeking to do it with all passion and excellence.
Young people about to start their careers are encouraged to find and follow what they are passionate about.
Instead, young people must be encouraged to be passionate about every work they are engaged in. In that regard, work becomes our passion, and we must commit to excellence.
Choose to be passionate about every work
How can you know what you are passionate about if you do not pour your heart into it? Unfortunately, the advice creates a scenario where some individuals are unwilling to dedicate themselves to their current work because they are waiting for their passion.
Hence, "quiet quitting" is not an option. Above all, the pursuit of our calling and the realisation that we have accomplished something is a source of great joy. To experience genuine happiness, we must commit ourselves to our current vocation and give our best effort.
Lack of joy and passion at work affects our energy and creativity. Whenever we lack enthusiasm for our work, we may become cynical and miss out on opportunities to pursue our passions. We must choose our attitude towards work. Our hobbies and work are different.
On some occasions, our work will demand more of us. During challenging situations, we often push through and continue our work. We may not approach our hobbies in the same manner.
Our hobbies are activities that we engage in during our leisure time. Armed with the right philosophy, we need to map out a strategy that will enable us to get the best out of work.
My next article will explore strategies that make work all the more rewarding over a long career
Be of good cheer!
The writer is a Leadership Development Facilitator, Executive Coach and Strategy Consultant, Founder of the CEO Accelerator Program ( ) and Chief Learning Strategist at TEMPLE Advisory ( ).
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