Bernard Ayisa blows his horn tonight
If you are a jazz lover, then the place to be tonight, January 17, is the +233 Jazz Bar and Grill in Accra where tenor saxophone player, Bernard Ayisa, will be in action with some of his friends.
Ayisa travels the world with his horn and the places he has exhibited his command on the saxophone include Germany, United States, Dubai, Scotland, Romania, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
He drops by home from time to time to enable folks here hear his rate of progress.
Scheduled to play with him at the 9.00pm show tonight are Victor Dey on keyboards, Frank Kissi on drums and Colter Harper on guitar with French trumpeter Nicolas Genest as special guest.
Seen mainly as an advocate of mainstream jazz, Ayisa is capable of wrapping his head around any approach to the music he loves so much.
The +233 crowd is familiar with Ayisa’s authority on the saxophone and his combination with the other gifted players tonight would surely provide a lot for jazz lovers to enjoy.