Life reminds us that our dreams have start lines. Death reminds us that our dreams have deadlines. As long as you have life, don’t give up.

How old is too old!?

When I was younger, I read in the Junior Graphic the story of one man who, after several years of abandoning his education, resolved to go back to primary school to study. Kofi Kum was his name. His undying passion to educate himself was unparalleled.


His children were his class mates and seniors but… that was his ‘back case’. He didn’t give a hoot. Many others, inspired by this late dreamer’s boldness and confidence, also went back to school regardless of their age.

You think it’s too late to dream, too? Never. You think it’s too late to revisit those childhood dreams of yours? Of course not. Better late than never. Better a try than a never.


Anytime you feel like giving up because it is too late, remember politicians. They should be your inspiration. They barely give up on their dreams.

Mugabe is over 80 years and wants to die on the throne (Of course he’s African). Honourable Akua Donkor will turn 64 this year and still wants to be president. ‘Too late’ is not in their books! It shouldn’t be in yours either.

Henry Ford. Samuel L. Jackson. John Pemberton. All these have one thing in common. They were late starters. They were referred to as late dreamers. They could have given up just like any other human. Yet they didn’t. Today, with the benefit of hindsight, you and I know that their late start wasn’t a bad one after all.

John Pemberton invented Coca Cola when he was 55 years old. Today, Coca Cola is produced worldwide and serves several homes. Mind you, it has provided employment to millions of people. That’s the power behind a dream which is determined to be a reality regardless of its late start.

Anytime you enjoy McDonald’s wherever, remember that one late dreamer called Ray Kroc bought McDonald’s from the McDonald brothers when he was as old as 59 years old. Yes. 59 years. He started the franchise of McDonald’s which made it spread to other places apart from Illinois, USA.  

You are still not convinced about starting late anyway? Colonel Sanders began franchising KFC at 62 years old. Yes. Good old Colonel Sanders. Should you pass through Osu Oxford Street to have a bite of some tasty fried chicken, thank God for one sexagenarian of a late dreamer called Colonel Sanders. It is never late to dream. It is, however, always early to quit.

Life reminds us that our dreams have start lines. Death reminds us that our dreams have deadlines. As long as you have life, don’t give up. Death is a caution that you may someday not have the luxury of life to dream and live again. Before it makes you a late person, be a late dreamer.

Tim and Nina Zagat were 51 years old lawyers when they wrote the first Zagat guide. Charles Darwin was 50 years old when he wrote “On the Origin of Species”. Julia Child was 50 years old when she wrote her first cookbook.

Henry Ford, the brain behind all Ford cars, was 45 years old when he created the Model T car. Microfinance pioneer, Muhammad Yunus, launched the Grameen Bank at 43 years old. Courtesy this man, today we have microfinance banks all over the place.

Believe you me, Samuel L. Jackson was 43 years old before he had his first hit film, “Jungle Fever”. Don’t let excuses stand in your way. Go for your dreams. Attack your dreams!

Am I, thus, not saying the young should idle their lives away and hope to dream later on in life? No. Our lives start now. The young is not promised tomorrow and the old is never promised another yesterday.

The young is not promised a future and the old can’t relive their past. All we are promised is today! Whatever you have, start now. Start today.

You may have failed in times past but it is never late to dream again. Life is like boxing. You don’t fail when you fall. You fail when you don’t rise again after falling. Don’t give up. Still pursue!

Draw a plan. Set your goals; achievable ones for that matter. Set daily goals. Extend them to weekly goals and then to monthly goals. Make a resolution (not the New Year one kind of).

Tell you what, the greatest barrier we can ever build is that which we build with our minds; not hands. Build a barrier against ill thoughts. Build a barrier in your mind against excuses and procrastination. Build a barrier in your mind against any inferior thoughts. 

The biblical Abraham, who is the father of all nations through Isaac, gave birth to him at 100 years. Whew! Yes. That late. You are not that old. What makes you think you can’t be productive too in any chosen endeavour of yours!?

Like Kofi Kum, forget the naysayers and pessimists. Start that poultry. Start that farm. It’s never late to start that small business. Start that dream. I would always be here to enjoy a tithe of the fruits. Haha. Chai!


• The writer is the Chief Scribe of Scribe Communications, a writing company in Accra. (   

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