Open letter to NPP leadership: A call to introspection from self-serving transformational leadership
President John F. Kennedy once reminded us of the dangers of power unchecked: “When power leads man toward arrogance, [poetic justice] reminds him of his limitations.” These wise words resonate now more than ever, as Ghana reflects on the outcomes of the recent elections.
Your defeat in both the presidential and parliamentary elections is undoubtedly a humbling moment, not just for the NPP, but for all who value the principles of democracy. This loss, while devastating, offers a unique opportunity for introspection—a chance to reassess, realign, and rediscover your purpose as a political party.
It is clear that many Ghanaians felt disconnected from the leadership they entrusted with power. Apportionment of blame to your supporters for not coming out to vote smacks of arrogance and being dismissive of the electorate’s verdict. Instead, take this time to genuinely reflect on the lessons to be learned. What could have been done differently? How can trust be rebuilt? How can the party realign with the aspirations of the people?
As a long-standing and formidable opponent of the NDC, your role in shaping Ghana’s democracy has been critical. Your continued presence as a strong, credible political party is essential to maintaining the balance that gives democracy its vibrancy. Ghana thrives when its political landscape is dynamic and competitive, where parties hold each other accountable and present citizens with meaningful choices.
This is why it is my hope, and the hope of many who value democratic progress, that the NPP uses this moment as a turning point. Instead of apportioning blame or dismissing the electorate’s verdict, embrace this as an opportunity for constructive reflection. Ghana’s democracy needs a strong, united NPP—one that operates with integrity, empathy, and a genuine commitment to transformational leadership.
By engaging in meaningful introspection and embracing this moment of accountability, you can emerge stronger, more responsive, and better prepared to play your part in Ghana’s democratic journey. Democracy is strengthened when political parties focus on serving the people, and I believe the NPP has the capacity to rise to this challenge.
Let us all work together—across party lines—to build a more inclusive, responsive, and accountable political landscape. Ghana deserves nothing less.
The author is Akwasi Oppong Fosu, a member of the National Democratic Congress and former Minister for Local Government and Rural Development.