OJ Simpson 'goes on hunger strike in prison'

OJ Simpson has gone on hunger strike in prison, saying, 'I used to live my way, and now I'm going to die my way,' sources have claimed.


The jailed former football star, who is serving out a kidnapping, assault and robbery sentence in a Nevada prison, is reportedly so depressed that he wants to 'just sit down in a corner and die'.

Sources spoke to the National Enquirer about Simpson's hunger strike and worsening health. His attorneys have yet to respond to a request for comment.

The source claimed that Simpson, 66, who is eligible for parole in 2017 after having an appeal for a new trial turned down last year, wanted to die so that his children would be able to get his millions.

He wants his fortune, which is largely stored in his pension account, to go to daughters Sydney, 28, and Arnelle, 45, and sons Justin, 25, and Jason, 43 - and he's worried they won't get it.

Although Simpson was acquitted of killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman in 1994, Goldman's family were awarded $33 million in a wrongful death civil suit.

'He can't give the kids his money while he's alive without the Goldman family laying claim to it,' the source told the Enquirer. 'The only way OJ figures he can leave his kids the millions is to kill himself.'

The source added that Simpson has stared to lose weight and said guards are not allowed to revive him if he falls unconscious. He is also keeping to himself and refuses to interact with other inmates.

'You can tell by his voice that he just wants to die,' the source told the Enquirer.

The reports come after the Enquirer claimed that Simpson was suffering from a brain tumor but was refusing treatment. Last year, the publication also claimed Simpson had just months to live as a result of his extreme case of diabetes and unhealthy lifestyle behind bars.

The combination of 'sky high' blood pressure, a vastly expanding waistline and a lack of physical activity had doctors concerned about his health, the magazine reported at the time.

But Simpson's lawyer Ozzie Fumo told MailOnline that he has not heard anything about his clients poor health.

'As far as I know his health is very good, he was doing just fine,' Fumo said. 'I spent a lot of time with him preparing for the retrial motion and he never once mentioned diabetes. We discussed health issues, we had meals together, and he seemed fine.'

Before Simpson is eligible for parole, he has to serve another four year of his 33 year sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center after losing an appeal last year.

His legal team argued he had not received a fair trial in 2008 and that his original attorney had botched the case. However Clark County District Judge Linda Marie Bell denied this.

Simpson was found guilty of kidnapping, armed robbery and other charges in what he said was an attempt to retrieve memorabilia and personal items from two sports collectibles dealers in a casino hotel room.

Simpson was sentenced to between nine to 33 years in Nevada state prison but was granted parole on some convictions in July, meaning he must serve at least four more years locked up.

Simpson's conviction came 13 years to the day after the former movie and TV star was acquitted in the Los Angeles 'trial of the century' in the stabbing deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman.

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