Auntie Betty: I want to be a good student

Auntie Betty: I want to be a good student

Dear Auntie Betty, I am 14 years and a student in one of the private basic schools at Nkawkaw in the Eastern Region.

I performed poorly during my end of term examinations last year. I felt very bad and was scared to take my terminal report home to my parents.


 They were really disappointed in me. I promised that I would do better this year. What can I do so that I can excel in this year’s examination? I need your help.

Rita, Nkawkaw, Easter n Region.

Dear Rita, You are not alone. There are many children who have the same problem in school.

I am glad you have noticed it and have promised your parents to improve on your performance.

However, you have to make a conscious effort and be determined to improve on your academic work. You must be committed because nothing good is achieved on a silver platter.

You can do well in any subject provided you develop a positive attitude towards your studies and gradually, you will be at the top of your class.

There are a few things you have to consider if you want to excel this academic year. You have to take all your lessons, class assignments and homework very seriously.

Ask questions when you do not understand what is being taught and take notes all the time. Do not take any subject for granted, instead, pay attention to detail whenever your teacher is teaching.

Talk to your subject teachers about your difficulties. I believe they will be willing to help you out. It is also important that you get close to your classmates who are good in the subjects you have difficulty in and ask them to help you.

Do not be shy or scared to seek help from your peers because you can easily relate with them and they can better explain certain things to you.

You also have the liberty to ask all the questions that bother you. Learn to study in groups so you can get divergent views about the topics you study in school.

You can also do your private studies. At home, know the best moment you can study on your own and make the most out of it.

Do not sit in a distractive or noisy environment to study when you can do that in a quiet and serene atmosphere.

Manage your time very well so that you can have some time to rest and prepare for the following day. Furthermore, you could ask your parents if it is possible for them to get you a private teacher who can also assist you.

You can achieve anything if you work hard towards it. It all depends on you. You can do it. All the best.



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