Letters to the Editor
Read letters from children

Letters to the Editor

Find below some letters to the Editor from children.

Enforce COVID-19 safety protocols in schools


A teacher taking the temperature of pupils as part of the COVID-19 safety protocols

Dear Editor, I am very scared of contracting the COVID-19 virus now that schools have  reopened amidst an increase in the cases recorded in the country.

I am scared because most adults do not wear the face mask and what I have observed among students since schools reopened is that even though they wear them to school, they remove them after some time when it appears they are feeling uncomfortable. Others also do not wear them while in school.

I asked a student why he was not wearing a face mask and his answer was that his parents did not give him one for school.

This surprised me because parents are to ensure the safety of their children in school against the virus by providing them with things such as the face mask and alcohol-based hand sanitisers.

During break time, I observed that a lot of children played without observing social distance.

I plead with all stakeholders to ensure the safety of schoolchildren in the midst of this pandemic.

As I said earlier, parents must ensure that they give their children face mask to wear to school as well as provide them with hand sanitisers when they leave for school.

Schools must provide Veronica buckets at vantage points with water in them. There should be soap and tissues placed by them so that students can regularly wash their hands to reduce the risk of getting infected.

I also plead with assemblymen and women and Members of Parliament (MPs) to visit less-endowed schools in their jurisdiction to supply them with these essential items.

This way, students whose parents cannot afford to buy face masks and hand sanitisers for them will also have access to them.

Furthermore, I plead with teachers to ensure that students wear the face masks every time.

Samuel Asua Mensah,
Nsaba Presby Primary School,
Agona Nsaba.


Provide quality education

Dear Editor, I congratulate the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, for his contributions towards the education of the Ghanaian child through the introduction of the free senior high school programme.

This has afforded many children the opportunity to obtain higher education.

However, I believe there is more to be done to improve education delivery in this country and this is the reason why I am writing this letter to him.

We live in an era of technology. COVID-19 has taught us that we cannot do away with technology so far as education is concerned. Schools need desktop computers, projectors, smart boards, among others.

The government should provide schools with these in order to make education easier. The provision of these things should not be the end.

The teachers who would use them to teach students should be made to undergo training on how to use them.

The Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service (GES) should organise training and orientation programmes regularly for teachers.


Again, there should be regular electricity and water supply to every school in the country. Children need constant water supply to help maintain their personal hygiene.

Similarly, they need electricity to enable them to study at home. Even in school, they need it because some of the classrooms are dark so they need extra light to enable them to see clearly and this can only be possible if there is electricity.

More so, if there is no electricity, it will be practically impossible to have computer lessons and use projectors.

All work and no play, they say, makes Jack a dull boy. Schools will be effective in impacting on the lives of students when teaching is interjected with social activities such as dance classes, sports, club activities and seminars.


This way, children will be able to unearth their potential and enjoy education.

More vocational and technical schools should be constructed. Not every child is good with reading subjects.

Some possess special skills which require institutions such as these to train them. These institutions should be fully furnished with ultramodern tools and equipment to make learning effective.

Every great nation relies on its own human resource for survival and Ghana is no exception. It is said that the greatest gift you can give any child is education.


I, therefore, plead with the President to kindly consider my humble suggestions to help move this nation forward.

Demaris Adoma Oppong,
University Primary School,
Cape Coast.

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